Struggling Since 14

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Nevertrot, Jan 9, 2024.

  1. Nevertrot

    Nevertrot New Fapstronaut

    Hey All,
    I am finally getting on a forum where I can talk to people about my addiction. I'm 19 now, and have realized I had a problem since age 14. I've tried again and again to stop without an accountability partner, but nothing has ever seemed to work. I tried talking to a family member about it a couple years, but they didn't know how to help me other than saying "Just stop! If you know it's bad then why don't you quit already?"
    I primarily struggle with expansion comics and stories, which tends to fly under-the-radar of most blocker software. Looking at "less triggering" or "normal" images just gave me more content to try and avoid. Stupid, I know. If anyone has experience fighting this particular type of pornography please tell me your strategies.