Strong advice: Don't do premarital sex!!

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Amy Li, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. Amy Li

    Amy Li New Fapstronaut

    Please do not do premarital sex when you are rebooting, or at any other period time in your life. No masturbation either.

    More sex before marriage, less happiness in marriage, and more cases the couples even cannot marry and finally break up.

    Lustful life, addiction to porn, masturbation, etc can only result in more pain and suffering in your life later but nothing else!

    Again, please do not do premarital sex when you are rebooting, or at any other period time in your life. Be responsible for your life!

    For your good sake!
  2. As a Christian I agree with this. I think sex is sacred and meant to be shared with your wife, I see many relationships fail due to sex before marriage.
  3. Amy Li

    Amy Li New Fapstronaut

    Agree! Sex and marriage is sacred.
  4. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    Niether sex or marriage is sacred and god is made up by man to control man. Things that are "sacred" are made so to control us. No sex until marriage etc. is just a way for the state and the church to control who is with who and to keep the families in check. It's easier for the state when it comes to taxes etc. For moral reasons between you and your partner yes but there is no law or "holy thing" about neither sex nor marriage. Look at nature, no marriage, but a lot of sex. And yes humans are animals too.
  5. I think that it's accurate. Sex should be reserved only for the married people, because that's one of the most important gifts you can give another person. Some say that it's good to have a test run, just to be sure before marriage, like sex was the most important aspect of it. It's not, and couples that've been together for years know that better. Do I have sex with my wife every day, because it's so cool? Nope, it getting better and better with years, but sometimes we can go over two weeks without it. We, addicts, see sex as a god of some sort, and society has a problem with that too (pleasure is the most important thing nowadays, blah, blah...) but if we had more respect to it, we could avoid so many problems. Funnily enough, even without contraception, arguing about religion, and all that stuff.

    Ah, and I don't particularly like the argument about nature, because it can be refuted too easily. Animals have sex simply to procreate. They don't do it for fun. That's common knowledge. Humans have sex to procreate as well, but also for other stuff, like pleasure (we addicts know it, in a very unfortunate way). Humans are animals, but such comparisons fail because we're waaaaaay more advanced. And don't get me started on cannibalism and incest. So, arguing that humans are animals is fine, because it's true. But that humans are like animals? That's just... weird.

    Still, it's just my opinion. Based on experience of one person and some general truths. Just another opinion in the sea of opinions. Yeah... Happy New Year, brothers? Don't do PMO!
  6. walkingtree

    walkingtree Fapstronaut

    Your argument can also be refuted easily: Homosexual behavior in animals (Wikipedia)
    I have also read an account about some kind of animal taking advantage of smelling like a female after mating with her to attract a male to himself, but I can't find the link now.
    You are obviously right about the point of sex's existence being reproduction, which is also the reason behind vast majority of it in nature. But animals, just like us, enjoy pleasant things, and sex is obviously one of them.

    I do agree with the point of not focusing on pleasure though. I feel like all of this "sexual liberation" nowadays is about selfish pleasure rather than actually being accepting and loving towards your partner(s). I feel it would be nice for sex to be a tool of love rather than lust, it's a shame such approach goes so strongly against what we're wired to do...
  7. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I think it is funny when people say religion is to control people, while on some level this may be true, addiction enslaves people much more than religion does
  8. That article on Wikipedia points to maybe to some benefits and absent-minded reactions to hormons, not pleasure, that some animals take from homosexual behaviours. Having pleasure from sex isn't the same as the aim of having sex, which in animal world developed as a mean of procreation ONLY. Of course, the pleasure factor exists to facilitate procreative behaviours. So, thank you for supporting my argument :)
    On that note, even if animals somehow had sex for fun, the vast difference between animals and humans is true. Humans can think of sex as something that's just for fun, nothing else. Animals can't do that. That's my main point here.

    I also don't like that sex is used as a tool: in commercials to get customers, in clothes industry, in... porn industry. But that's the reality we live in. Still, I believe that at least we can show other people that sex shouldn't be solely for fun, because we know where such thinking led us.
    Extinguish and KevinesKay like this.
  9. walkingtree

    walkingtree Fapstronaut

    The reason I pointed to that article is that it talks about same-sex sexual activities in animals, which (unless you want to argue those animals are somehow confused) is clearly not caused by desire for procreation. I just noticed there is an even better article specifically about non-reproductive sexual behavior called "Non-reproductive sexual behavior in animals" (Wikipedia). Besides the fact that there are observations of such behavior debunking your argument, your argument is also logically flawed because you're basically implying that animals engage in sex out of a rational reason to procreate and not out of some primitive instinct like horniness (which seems like a much more reasonable assumption to me).

    With that said, reading the article on non-reproductive sexual behavior, my conclusion is that sex serves a wide variety of uses to animals and it's much more complicated than "just for procreation" (your argument) or "just for pleasure" (my original argument).
    Bloodstream likes this.
  10. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    So to evils make one of them good? It's like saying it's funny people don't like children starving when we have wars, come on!

    I assume you are a believer. Believers usually look down on animals because they are according to their bible humans to eat etc. I believe more we are equal in many ways, and humans do enjoy sex but it's also for procreation. Something that we of course can decide ourselves nowadays, no thanks to the church. If the church and religion would decide it would be different, just look at the dark ages, the talibans, ISIS etc. This is how most religions look at sex and how they want to control women. Iran is another good example, before and after 1979.

    So back to the question, is sex something holy and something that only belongs in a marriage? Well I would say that's up to each individual to decide but strictly biologically I would say NO. We are made to and capable of having several partners, it does not mean we have to, but that has more to do with morals and once again religion which has tried to and suceeded to form our morals. Why is violence more accepted in the US than say nudity? Religion.

    And yes religion is the biggest bullshit story ever told, sorry to say it but George was always right, it's all in your mind. And if sex is a drug, an addiction, religion is as well. It's changing you and your brain and the way you look at the world. It divides us into us and them, right and wrong and it always need more money.

    gouda likes this.
  11. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    For those who don’t understand religion it is oppressive, for those who understand it there is more freedom than addiction.
  12. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    It is funny that you use the term evil as that displays you are following some sort of religious thought. Without religion there is no good or evil.
  13. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Also you say we are made? Who made us? If there is no god then we weren’t made, we were an accident. As an accident it doesn’t really matter what we do.
    Roady, Feelin' and Bloodstream like this.
  14. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    Exactly and it doesn't. Human kind does not matter at all in a bigger perspective. But we has a species had morals ethics long before religions. Besides which religion of all the thousand once we have had is the right one? It all depends on where you were born and raised. You could not be a christian if you were born in another time, culture and with another religion. So.. worshipping the sun, spaghetti monster or Zeus is just as valid as the Jesus, God, Allah, Jahve etc.

    Well good and evil it maybe used in the monotheistic religions but the concept of what is good for yourself and others was around long before that. Without the shame, sin etc.
    gouda likes this.
  15. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    All religions have the same concepts of good and evil, where else did these concepts come from? Long before religion? Where is the proof?
  16. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    Well you can look at nature, and the time we have been here on earth. You don't have to call it good and evil, just what is smart for the species to survive. We haven't killed our parents and eaten our babies before christianity. We had a lot of morals in pagan religions as well. Morals and ethics, good and bad does not come from religion but religion ofc has tried to make a dime out of it and scare people.

    Btw where is the proof of any god ever existed anywhere at anytime? There is none. It's an imaginary friend.
    gouda likes this.
  17. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Toni7 likes this.
  18. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    The majority of the world believe in god or gods and have written about it since records began. People who don’t believe in god are in the minority believing they are right and the rest of the planet is wrong, lol.
  19. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I am not scared by religion as that is not the point of religion. I am aware that people use religion to scare people, but they miss the point of it.
    silex_jedi and Shockley like this.
  20. Bloodstream

    Bloodstream Fapstronaut

    Are you serious? This is your argument? Have you read anything outside the bible? This is one of thousand things we worshiped in human history. And as I said, it's just a coincidence that you happen to be christian. We also worshipped nature, animals and hundreds of other gods without sacrificing babies. And if you put together the deaths killed in religious wars in the name of the christian god with the amount of deaths the christian god actually are responsible for in the old testament I bet you that your peaceful religion has killed many many many more than any pagan belief what so ever. Besides, just because the world is filled with uneducated poor people (that is mostly the case in very religious countries), and they put their faith to something higher in hope that someone or something will help does not say it's correct. If the mass is always right then the small sect that once was christianity would also be disqualified before it grew larger. And I have still not seen any proof of anything. Science can show proof, religion none whatsoever. I admit that it can work for some people as comfort just as a child has a comfort toy, because this is what it is. And that's ok, just don't spread the delusion to others and rape children kill doctors and god forbid let women decide over their own bodies etc. Keep it to yourself and worship at home.

    This.. the Talibans thing you miss the point, the catholics think the protestants miss the point, and the orthodox, and the jews think they all miss the point.. This is why we have and have had so many wars and oppression in the name of religion.

    Well I agree as said religion can be a good thing for people on a personal level to help them through hard times but we should look more into ourselves than for an outside diety. As a part of the state or all this "god bless america" etc etc it's just harmful and bs, as history has proved over and over again. Also it goes very well together with ignorance and intolerance.
    gouda likes this.