Staying Accountable

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. TopKekDes

    TopKekDes New Fapstronaut

    Brothers, Sisters, today I have sadly relapsed, and while not being as bad as previous ones sin is still sin. Thank our LORD however that I have eternal forgiveness, but admitting my faults is good as well as St. James says (James 5:16). So here I am. please do pray that this new attempt in getting clean will be the best one yet, that God will not let my efforts be in vain, and that I do commit fully to vanquishing the vice in my heart, thank you.

    Update (7/31/2023): Talk about having a rough start, I relapsed yet again, this one was very bad, and as such with accordance with this post I am here to be held accountable. I have prayed, examined the Psalms, and am now ready to get back on the horse (you are right CPilot, about prayer). I am going to workout now to keep things moving in a good direction, may I be in your prayers, whoever see's this post, thank you, and God be with you
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
    hawken45 likes this.
  2. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    You have taken a good step by returning to this forum and asking for prayers. I expect that everyone who frequents here and anyone else who struggles with addiction fell many times before they found true rehabilitation. Our conscience tells us that falling is not good and that is true but giving up is far worse. It is almost certain that it will take several attempts to find freedom from this addiction but clearly making as serious an effort as possible each time is a key step. In my case, daily sincere prayer from my heart and the same sort of sincere prayer each time I am tempted has been vital. As my reliance on God and my relationship with Him has grown, my determination, discipline and degree of success has also improved. Visit here regularly. Let us know how it is going and seek a close relationship with Our Precious Lord.
    TopKekDes likes this.
  3. TopKekDes

    TopKekDes New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the encouragement, from my personal experience, I have walked a hard line with my thoughts on willpower and the such. Some people tell me that effort means nothing, a full in determinism. Others have talked to me too lax, forgetting that the LORD is in charge for he commands fate and destiny. After much reading in the scriptures however, through Romans, Acts, Proverbs, & Ecclesiastes again and again again I see now the lines drawn between perseverance, the will, the grace of God. I believe that through this is why now my prayers always contain the two pleads to our Father "let not me efforts be in vain" "guide me as you see fit". I'm rambling here a bit but all of this is to say that yes, the light of the mind (soul, depends on your theology but semantics aside) cannot burn away all evil. God has had wonderful on me, to even save me from hell is a miracle in of itself.
    CPilot likes this.
  4. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Amen brother!
    TopKekDes likes this.