Starting with workout

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by GhostRider@11, Apr 14, 2024.

  1. GhostRider@11

    GhostRider@11 Fapstronaut

    I will start working out from today onwards, I don't want to be skinny anymore. I will bulk up, now the only question is as someone who never stepped into gym, how do I start? I only ever did was body weight exercises like push ups, pull ups, crunches, running etc.

    I don't want to join gym directly, I have ordered a pair of dumbells. And at last I gave up am vegetarian.

    Last time when I started working out, I was tired due to daily workouts but no significant change was visible on my body, and then I stopped. I knew that rome wasn't built in a day, but I had to stop myself from working out too much because as a rule I had to give rest to my body but I didn't realise when I stopped altogether.

    Please share any tips or suggestions that helped you.
    USER_ERROR likes this.
  2. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    First let me say, if you have any medical conditions or concerns it is always best to check with your doctor.

    Did you buy just one pair of dumbbells? If you don't want to join a gym and want to workout at home, you can still bulk up but will need more than a pair of dumbbells. For example if you ordered 20 pound dumbbells, that might be tough for you do to bicep curls with, but you could probably do a dumbbell squat with them fairly easily because your legs are bigger stronger muscles. Purchasing more dumbbells could get expensive so you might want to look into either adjustable dumbbells or resistance bands. Facebook Marketplace and other secondary sellers are a great place to look for used adjustable dumbbells at a discounted price.

    Next, you will need a quality workout program to build muscles. There are plenty of online programs to follow, some are good and some are garbage. A couple decent options i can think of:
    1. Purchase a membership with BODI (formerly known as Beachbody). They have an app and it would cost you for a membership but I don't know what they charge. I know they have a few programs now that are designed to help put on muscle. Their programs are easy to follow, they will have a calendar to tell you what workout to do on which day, and a nutrition plan for each program.
    2. Another option is if you chose to purchase resistance bands, is an app called Body Last. It's from a company called Bodylastics (I think their bands are the best) and they have over 1000 free workouts on their app and they have a workout program called Chiseled which is a resistance based program using nothing but resistance bands.
    And finally you can workout all you want, but you will have to get your nutrition together. That will give you the energy to fuel your workouts and also the energy you will need during the day. You will need to eat in a surplus to bulk up, so you're probably going to have to consume somewhere between 3000-4000 calories. It's a lot but that is what is needed. The best quote I heard from a body builder about nutrition and wanting to bulk up is that "If you are not dreading your next meal, you are not eating enough."
    USER_ERROR and GhostRider@11 like this.
  3. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    The most important thing is consistency. Even a half-assed, unmotivated workout is better than skipping it (and chances are when you start, you'll actually feel good about yourself and it won't be half-assed). If you're tired "due to daily workouts," break up your routine so that you aren't doing the same muscle groups every single time. That way, you give one area of your body time to recover while working the other area(s).

    If you don't want to join a gym, maybe find some calisthenics workouts on YouTube. Find an upper-body one, and then a lower-body one, and alternate them from one day to the next. But eventually, I would encourage you to join a gym where you can lift some heavier weights. There's no replacement for heavy lifting when it comes to building mass.

    100%. Especially if you want to bulk up. You can lift weights all day long, and it won't matter if you aren't putting enough fuel in your body.
    USER_ERROR, GhostRider@11 and Ajar like this.
  4. Bear Mab

    Bear Mab Fapstronaut

    Great, start w pushups and situps
    USER_ERROR and GhostRider@11 like this.