Starting day 1!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Mr.pants, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Hello. I'm new here and starting a clean reboot after a half assed attempt of a few months. I have stopped masturbating but not looking at porn. If I dont stop I stand to lose the best thing that has ever happened to me. I refuse to go out like that. I realize I have a choice.

    This is day one. I can never go back. If you have any tips. Anything that has gotten you out of situations of temptations would be appreciated. Thank you.

    I will be keeping this a a log or journal
    Chadillac Van Button and Jilloy like this.
  2. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 2.

    I have been a mess due to the problems this has caused with my SO. I am taking this seriously. I was told some things from my SO that really hit hard. I have no one to blame but myself. I have no one to answer to but myself.

    I had to go home to my parents whole o work this out. Notingthits harder than your mom telling you she is disappointed in you. I have had no trouble or urges. I believe because it is all still so fresh. I will keep you guys posted. Any tips or encouragement would be welcomed.
    Thank you
    Jilloy likes this.
  3. Jilloy

    Jilloy Guest

    Is your mother disappointed because of your P addiction or because of another reason (you don´t need to share if you are uncomfortable with it)?
    nofear likes this.
  4. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    She is disappointed Because she knows that my SO is an amazing woman and that I can lose her. I didn't take my reboot seriously and I have a chance of losing her. Her exact words were I can lose everything with her. And she isn't talking about physical stuff but the relationship
  5. Carl.E

    Carl.E Fapstronaut

    When my wife found out and kicked me out of the house, I went 10 days. I wasn't even trying. I was just so in shock about the thought of losing it all that it didn't cross my mind. But the thoughts and urges will come back. Especially if things go well with your SO. Once things get back to "normal" you really have to be on guard. That's when that voice in your head starts messing with you.

    Good luck to you. I don't have a ton of advice to offer. I stopped a lot of things and cut way back on PMO. But I'm just now starting to take that seriously. We're all in this together.
    nofear and Label like this.
  6. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Some people think they can breeze through a reboot, but breaking an addiction is very difficult. After eight months I still have many of the same cravings, but once I got by detox stage I realized I have a lot more willpower and can reject the frequent temptations that I feel.

    So, to reiterate what you said: you still watch porn (edge) but you don't masturbate? That's some serious willpower right there! Have you identified what you feel right before you want to watch something? Are you angry? Depressed? Are you trying to escape? Be entertained? Be stimulated? Is it a ritual or routine? Do you have a particular device you prefer to use?

    You need a toolbox of things to keep you distracted when an urge crops up. You need to train your brain to do something else as soon as the thought/desire/temptation hits you. You cannot allow your brain to linger on impure thoughts. It's tiring and exhausting but it's the only way to get through the detox period. Have things to do that don't involve the preferred viewing device. Have a book handy. Have a list of chores to do. Think about starting a hobby that takes you away from the computer. Do things in public and away from the house so that you won't have the opportunity to indulge. Strip away your privacy... keep doors open and shades open... and stay in the parts of the house where people are hanging out. Leave your device in another room when you go to bed. Throw away or delete your porn stash. Keep a journal... think about a paper journal if you don't want Ms.Pants to see your raw thoughts and emotions. Exercise near bedtime so that when it's time for bed you don't start thinking of porn... your body will want to go right to sleep. Don't stay in bed in the morning and daydream. Write down the lies you know your brain is going to try to whisper to you to get you to relapse... be prepared with truthful statements that counter the lies... you have to brainwash yourself into doing the right thing. Set small goals and reward yourself in healthy ways when you succeed... condition your brain to turn towards positive things instead of porn.

    Add a counter to your signature and take pride in that number as it rises. It is the summation of your progress. It is a tangible thing that reflects all the hard work you are putting forth in your head. Think about the disappointment you will have in yourself if you have to reset it.

    You have to hit this addiction with your full force in the beginning. Shock and awe. If you give your addiction an inch then it will take a million miles. Remember, you are changing brain wiring. You are changing deeply ingrained behavior. You are changing the way you think and feel on a fundamental level. Once you get by the first few weeks you will develop other tools and skills, you will have more willpower, you will regain your self-esteem and self-worth. If you faithfully put these steps into practice then you will surely find success on your journey.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
    nofear, Mr D, Atomiccafe and 3 others like this.
  7. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 3

    I am lucky I am working so much to be able to keep me busy and my mind occupied. After becoming a more active member on nofap and hearing other stories and testimonials I have come to realize the grip this addiction had on my life. How relationships have failed because of it. I feel guilty but not grief stricken because I may not have met my SO. She first pointed out my addiction and I failed to listen. First mistake. Always listen to someone who knows your better than yourself! I have had no urges or moments of weakness. I believe this is because of the shock of the situation still fresh. I do believe the worst is set to come. This is only the beginning.

    This is the start of day 3. I jot down thoughts at the beginning of each day reflecting on the day before. Let's keep going on this journey!
  8. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    Hey welcome back on the trolley! I tried to do this without help, and thought I could just stop, and it would be no problem. So. Many. Times. I didn't even realize how many times I tried, now that I've started to look back over the years. I think that, each time I went back to my old habits, I just thought "well... didn't work... oh well... not that big of deal." I had to lose everything to get it. I'm glad you only had to almost lose it!

    I found a massively helpful technique I used for the first several weeks/months. I recognized that the what made me give in to the urges, even when I didn't want to, was that the urge was uncomfortable, and I would feel better/relieved after O. So I was making a logic-based decision, just not on all the available data. Put another way, I was making a very short-sighted decision. I didn't have to look days or weeks ahead to change the cost-benefit analysis in favor of recovery. I actually just had to extend my assessment another 10 to 60 minutes. I needed to bring the feelings of shame, guilt, remorse, disgust, self-loathing, etc. that follow a relapse. Yes, I would feel relieved in the moment, but within minutes I would feel far worse than before PMO, or MO.

    So, short version of that paragraph: whenever I felt tempted, I would forcefully remind myself of what I would feel like after relapsing. The momentary relief of the O was no contest for the deep disgust I'd feel with myself after PMO. "What does 20-minutes-from-now-me want me to do right now?" Keeping it within that short time frame made it easier to battle the very short-sighted urge to fap.

    If you're interested, I found a few very effective faith-based (I'm Catholic) tools as well. Let me know if you want to hear about those.
    Mr.pants and i_wanna_get_better1 like this.
  9. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 4

    Yesterday at work a couple people commented on how they thought something was wrong because I wasnt my usual happy self. It sucks working in a factory and not being able to share or tell other people about your problems without appearing weak. Don't get me wrong. I am in no way afraid about telling people this problem. I have already. But the shame I'm feeling because everyone I told thought I had kicked it and things were getting back on the straight and narrow is too much right now. However it's nothing compared to how I feel I messed up my relationship with my SO. I want to talk so bad. But I don't know where to start. Combined with the fact that nothing I say is believed is really shitty. I am really feeling down right now. I appreciate all the tips and suppoive received from this community. I know it's one day at a time and even that can be frustrating knowing it can't be fixed immediately.

    Anyways. Still no urges or mishaps. Shock is still in play I believe. I am ready to attack day 4! Thank you for your support!
  10. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 5.

    Yesterday my SO showed me the effect that this has had on her. It's one thing to be told it but another to see it in writing. Some things can't be told face to face and reading it really made me feel like the piece of shit I am. I know she has no reason to believe me but I am taking this seriously. I see that I have a problem. How this problem has affected me for so long, and that I must fix it. The first time this addiction was discovered everyone was supportive. I'm back living with my parents and my mom especially is supportive but also reminding me at every turn that there is no where else to go. I have to fix this. Not only the addition but the damage that it has done with my wife. I think they used "baby gloves" last time. Well this time they are off. There can be no more relapses. I have already begun weening off my phone. And I've also decided that at the first sign of an urge I'm going to just go sit with my parents. I know it's a slow process but it's a start.

    I'm meeting an addict I have formerly worked with. Not an addict to porn buy alcohol. I need someone I can openly talk to and to get some insight into addiction and how to conquer it. I think getting advice with face attached to it, from someone who has gone through it will help. And alright now I can use a good ear.

    Zero urges. But still in shock I believe. Also still no appetite. Not working this weekend so will have a lot free time to think.
  11. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    I didn't start to heal for real until the 9th day of my first Novena to St. Jude. I don't know your beliefs, but if I was in your place, I'd start praying several times daily to Sts. Jude, Joseph, and John-Paul II, and of course the Blessed Virgin. Her most of all. It is said that one cannot continue in sin and continue to say the rosary. One will either stop sinning, or stop saying the rosary.
  12. Dendrite

    Dendrite Fapstronaut

    I guess it comes down to this: how much do you want to jerk off to naked chicks, versus how much do you want to be with your SO? It sounds like only one of those things is going to happen for you. You need to make a decision and understand the consequences. The one is really quick and easy, and we've all got into the habit here. The other takes much longer and let's face it, SOs are people so they're not a "prepackaged fantasy" and they can be annoying sometimes. But at the end of the "quick and easy" road there's going to be you, alone and lonely, maybe a couple of divorces under your belt, kids who think you're a loser, jerking it to a bunch of pixels at age 70 and being completely unable to get hard or get off while you're wondering what the f*** happened to your life ... check out the 40+ journals if you think I'm kidding around, and be glad that you're not at that point yet! And at the end of the "SO" road there's contentment, kids, satisfaction, and actual activities (solo or shared) that aren't compulsive and shameful for you to do.

    Tomorrow's always another day, and it's always easy to quit "tomorrow". But that's why you're 38 right now, still addicted to porn, because it's always easier to get real "tomorrow", but it takes real grit to start to get your shit right today.

    You may want to also figure out your motivations. Are you only doing this for a girl? If you are - well, what happens if she "doesn't know"? It's way easier to justify hiding and lying then, and that shit is completely toxic in a relationship. And it's going to blow up in your face, too... it's a matter of "when", not "if", and the longer it takes the worse it's going to be. Is your motivation strong enough to keep you away from a decades-long habit, even when times are tough? So figure out your motivations. Is it family? Do you want your mom and dad to be proud of you? Is it self? Do you want to not be that decrepit 70-year-old leech, leering at chicks and creeping everyone out? Is it religion? Is it personal satisfaction at having conquered your compulsive self? Maybe it's something else? You don't have to tell us your motivations (some say that it's helpful if you do) but if you don't look at that they are, you might not have that core of strength to draw on when you need it most.

    Welcome - and good luck!

    Edit: also, don't worry about telling other people at the factory. I haven't told the people that I work with and I sure as hell am not going to. A gambling addict doesn't have to advertise it to the world, they just need to get clean so they can get their shit together. If you want to talk to others - talk. If you want to keep it on NoFap - keep it here. Your choice, and whatever it is, anyone who disagrees with it should be told to bugger off.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
    Atomiccafe, alex_sober and Mr.pants like this.
  13. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 6

    Wow. The coffee meeting with my former coworker was a real eye opener. It made me realize that I've been an addict for much longer than I thought I was. He described symptoms of the addition that I thought was totally normal everyday life. I just didn't fill the void in my life with alcohol or drugs. I filled it with porn. And by doing so have sabotaged pretty much every adult relationship I have had before they even started.

    He described himself as an alcoholic before he ever took a drink. Due to his mental state and coping mechanisms. And that really hit me hard. Growing up I had many of the same upbringing and social problems that he described. It felt like there was a great deal of discovery talking face to face with someone that has been affected by addiction also. He also said that it has to be done day to day. You can't think about 2 days, a week, or even a month away. You have to focus on the day your living. He said if he didn't do that he would already be drunk, passed out and it was only 11 am.

    He told me to call him whenever I want. After being sober for a year he just wants to help other like he has been helped. I am going to take him up on that.

    It's hard to not think about the future. It's hard not to think about where I will be in a month or longer. But worrying about the day makes it a little easier to concentrate on just today without a million other things going on in my head.

    Zero urges still. I'm actually scared for when they come. Mostly because that means the shock will be over and the fight will be on.
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  14. Hi @Mr.pants , welcome to NoFap

    It is a big step if you can understand what is triggering your urges, because this will allow you to be awake and kill those urges as soon as they appear.

    I recommend you to create your own "Emergency Toolbox" with readings that can be handy to read when you start feeling urges to screw up.
    I can share this post with you with my own Emergency Toolbox, it helped me a lot during the first few months, i had them in my cell and read them every time I started falling down:

    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:
    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:

    I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.

    Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take the NoFap Academy course if you can afford it. The course is great but the best value are the weekly video calls with @alexander (the creator of NoFap and NoFap Academy) and Mark Queppet, where you can chat with them in real life and listen to other guys's stories and problems too.

    I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.
    Let's keep on fighting

    Mr.pants likes this.
  15. alex_sober

    alex_sober Fapstronaut

    That is great advice - thanks for this.
    Mr.pants likes this.
  16. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 7

    It's hard to believe that it has been one week. It seem so long ago but it is only starting the 7th day. I am fighting a battle on 2 fronts. First the addiction and second to win back the trust of my SO. Fighting this addiction and the feelings of guilt and shame are wearing me thin. I wish I had more hobbies or activities to take my mind off this. This past weekend was especially hard. Talking to my SO was very hard. I understand I have no foot to stand on from the lies and deceit but it's frustrating when you are telling the truth to not be believed. I have no right to get upset though.

    She swore off contact with me because of the lies. I can't blame her. I would've done the same thing in her position. It does give me time to focus on the addiction. But I miss her so much. I want to tell her everyday how things went. How I avoided situations that may have triggered me. Last night in fact. I was watching a horror movie I've been wanting to see. There was a part where they were setting up the main villain. The scene has him violently having sex with a woman. It was honestly fucked up. Why was it even in there? After everything I can honestly say I was disgusted. I found myself turning away. There was no point to have it in the movie.

    This is going to be hard. Like my friend who I had coffee with was telling me. Sex sells now. It's everywhere. There's no avoiding it. At least back to work today. Still no urges. But I can tell they will be coming. I hope I'm mentally strong enough this time. I definitely want it more this time.
  17. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Be prepared for another rough few days. You are at the peak of the addiction cycle. Every addiction has a relapse cycle in the range of 7-10 days... some much shorter... some multiple times a day. After the previous relapse, the body feels satiated and emotional tension is at it's lowest, but throughout the week the underlying emotional tension starts to build, and it needs to find a way to be released or the addict feels like they're going to explode. Addicts act out in desperation to drain off the emotional stress. This is the time to be on high alert and to not put yourself in a position to relapse... learn to live with the tension and trust it will eventually dissipate or find other healthier ways to bleed off the tension. Spend time with people. Exercise. Get out of the house. Don't fall victim to the 'I'll just take a peek' lie. Come here and say 'hi' to some new ones.

    I know things are hard with your SO. That is a situation that is largely out of your control and it's probably driving you crazy. Just remember that your new life started 7 days ago. There is no way to rush this recovery process. Action speak louder than words. If you can't communicate directly then write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Write them in a letter form to your SO if necessary. Above all - remain sober! If the door opens and she asks 'what have you been working on?' or 'what have you discovered about yourself?' or 'how do you feel about how you treated me?'... then you will have something concrete that you can show that you are making progress. Don't be defensive... take interest in how SHE is feeling. The initial few weeks are filled with epiphanies and discoveries about yourself and you might be dying to share them, but only share these if she is interested.

    Our addiction has closed us off from having healthy relationships with others. Addicts are not adept at forming healthy relationships. At some point our addiction became the primary relationship in our life and all others have suffered. Now, without porn, we can feel adrift and disconnected and lonely.

    While in the depths of our addiction we acted more like animals than humans. We are trying to reclaim our humanity during recovery. That takes time. One book I read said that we must reconnect with family, friends, community, ourselves, and God (if you're religious). By interacting with others we regain our human qualities. We relearn how to be compassionate, empathetic, patient, loving, thoughtful, and kind. All qualities that you will need to show to your SO if you get another chance.

    Unfortunately, this is the price we pay for the choices we have made. Taking responsibility involves accepting the consequences for our actions. We can blame the addiction... and the addiction does share some blame... but we must accept what we have done and make the necessary changes. Many times making amends comes much later. It cannot be rushed or take place BEFORE real interior changes have already been made. There is a reason why it is Steps 8 & 9 in the 12-Step program. Trying to make amends too soon can be a form of manipulation or a selfish way of minimizing the damage we have caused. Making promises to someone we have hurt deeply are merely empty promises in the beginning. It's good to want to make amends. But during the first few weeks you need to focus on fixing YOU. To be honest... that takes months. Don't be discouraged. You are on the right path.

    Just remember, sobriety takes place 1 step / 1 day / 1 decision / 1 temptation at a time. You've had 7 good days... focus on the 8th. Keep up the good work!
  18. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 8

    One week is in the books. Had an urge last night or what I thought was an urge. I can't tell if it's an urge or just being horny from not masturbating. But with focusing on the moment trucked through it. I also contacted a friend who said to do so in any moment like that. I can tell that this will get worse.

    I was talking to said friend when he mentioned how tough it will be because sex is everywhere. "sex sells" in advertising. And he is right.

    I've gone so far right now as to watch television without commercials. I need to get a better grip on this before I think I can try to watch normally.

    I opened up yesterday to another close friend and he said something that really made me think. "get rid of the source" get rid of your computer, need a phone get a flip phone. I will be putting more thought into that one honestly.

    Day 8 has started. The days of no urges are gone. I will have to be careful with my time spent alone now
    fercho29 likes this.
  19. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 9

    Well day 8 is in the books. It was a very emotional day. But it's over. I found that by removing the source worked really good. Putting the phone down and out of reach did the job it was supposed to do. Combined with someuch needed willpower I wasn't able to reach for it at the first sign of boredom.

    Saw the therapist yesterday also. It felt good to talk to someone face to face again. Regular sessions are in my future. But it still feels like something is missing. A part of me is missing. It's getting easier to fake a smile around people that don't know what's truly going on. But still a mess inside.

    Urges and sexual thoughts are coming a little more frequently. I don't have to worry about them at work but at home with nothing but free time is where I start to get worried. It was suggested to search for myself spiritually by a few people. I'm going to have to look into that option more also!

    Day 9 here I come!
    Dendrite likes this.
  20. Mr.pants

    Mr.pants Fapstronaut

    Day 10

    10 days. It seems much longer when you are focusing on each day. Let me begin by saying I know it's the beginning of day 10 however for myself, going to work I have put changes into place that I have someone with me at all breaks and lunch. Someone who knows my problem and has agreed to help keep me on the straight and narrow. So with these measures here the actual challenge begins after leaving work.

    I miss my wife. I miss holding her and kissing her. I miss waking up next to someone. I know this is punishment for my dishonesty and I must accept it but it sucks. I don't know what's going to happen, but I won't stop missing her. I wish she was by my side during this battle.

    There was some urges yesterday. I put the phone down and went for a walk. It was weird not being tethered to it for a period of time. However it did the job! That will be my go to mode of quelling these urges. At least until the weather gets a lot colder!

    Day 10. Let's do this!
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.