Should I reset?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by looking4cure, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    So I was doing some yoga for my lower back following some YouTube videos. Suddenly I saw a video of a girl in an arched position in her thong.(her video was for lower back stretches) I quickly hovered away from it then did a 20min yoga session (from another video). After the session I decided maybe that video of the girl in her thong had some good lower back stretches...(I feel like it was just an excuse so i could click it) I clicked on the video and probably didn't even get 5seconds in before I realized I was getting a dopamine hit and was being aroused. I immediately exited the video. Should I reset back to day 1? Or am I okay to proceed with my days achieved?
    Steve Sancteria and Flyhigh like this.
  2. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    you are fine, when ever I read something like this, I think like "this person was practicing to knock away triggers"
    Because that´s what you've done.

    It's been an arousal trigger, yeah, yet not fully engaged porn.
    When trigger hit you, you try to knock them away to prevent urges.

    For me it's been rather a success than a reason to reset, so yeah, keep going and keep the days flowing :D
    looking4cure likes this.
  3. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    Great! Thanks Steve =D
  4. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

  5. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    Definitely not - you did the right thing and it probably took a lot of strength to close it. You have to use your best judgement with this stuff. Just bc you feel a little guilty after clicking the link, this is not the same as staying up for 3 hrs. fapping to porn, which is generally what I consider a relapse. We all have to define it for ourselves. Congrats on identifying the trigger and moving through it.
    looking4cure likes this.
  6. Artanis

    Artanis Fapstronaut

    Arousal triggers don't need to be porn, neither would accidentally stumbling across it, if you're intentionally watching porn for the purpose of arousing you then it's a relapse. This is not a relapse, rather recognise this is an arousal trigger and try to avoid it in the future.
  7. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    The awesome thing is that I'm more wanting to go meet girls instead of fapping to porn. I have this really hot neighbor and I saw her going walking today. I was really tempted to go on a run just to talk to her. Something I would have never had the courage to do before! I think that I would have been really tempted to seduce her to come over though and I'm a virgin too! I think abstaining from orgasms will help with my anxiety though so I'm going to try to go for 90days hard mode.
  8. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Rebooting is just way to deal with anxiety when it comes to girls. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to interact.
  9. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    Yeah I know. I just think I'll have a lot more confidence and less anxiety in 60more days. I've already been talking to two girls this past week with not much anxiety at all. I think nofap and no PMO can be used to cure more than just social anxiety with girls though. I'm doing it to gain core confidence in all areas of life.
    LewinK likes this.
  10. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    I meant rebooting is not a cure all for every problem under the sun.
    looking4cure likes this.
  11. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree but I do think it's a foundational start
  12. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    I didn't know there was such a thing as Yoga THOTs.
    looking4cure likes this.
  13. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    We can agree to disagree. I see people on here who think it can solve hardcore medical problems like diabetes.
  14. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    Total yoga **** man. Lol. And Drew yeah that is quite bizarre.. since I started nofap I have changed my diet to vegan, started working out and studying more and such. It has been a foundation to my success to give me more motive
  15. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Dude, I don't think you have to go vegan. That's pretty extreme. Veganism will just turn you into some effete sissy cuck. You need some meat and especially red meat in moderation.
  16. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    That's great man. You have perspective. That's all I wanted to hear.
    looking4cure likes this.
  17. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    Why do you think you need red meat?
  18. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    We have incisors in our teeth and are Omnivores. We don't get all the nutrients we need from plant life alone.
  19. looking4cure

    looking4cure Fapstronaut

    True I need to take a b12 vitamin daily but I can get everything else just fine I think. I'm getting a blood test in a couple weeks to see if I'm lacking anything else. Maybe you're right.. I've only done the diet for a couple weeks and am getting blood tested after a month of the new diet. I feel good though man