She is not enjoying sex

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by GratifiedSlave, Nov 13, 2023.

  1. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut


    I have been having sex with my wife for a month or so now, before that she was virgin, I have had ~7-10 sessions now with her but she says that she doesn't enjoy sex at all and that it is just painful for her and nothing else.

    In the beginning we realized we were not using enough lubricant so it was painful but using lubricant just made it less painful for her and the pleasure part never came in.
    I do proper foreplay with her before the penetration and she gets pretty wet as well.

    Only way she orgasms is by clitoral simulation using my fingers, and that also cant happen more than once in day when I have orgasm-ed like ~2-3 times a day. Why is it so?

    Is it normal for a girl to have painful sex in the beginning? How soon should I expect this to become a pleasureful experience for her?
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  2. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

  3. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Do you mean sex in general, or penetration specifically? Is eg. clitoral stimulation, which you mentioned, pleasurable for her?
    I do think women tend to have less orgasms than men. I'm not going to fact-check it though, for fear of triggers.
  4. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    Are you gentle or are you having sex like a pornstar? Maybe this is a question for women to comment on more? Guys might not know how, when, and why a women feels pain during sex, as well as a woman would.
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  5. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

    Penetration specifically. With clitoral stimulation she gets orgasm
  6. GratifiedSlave

    GratifiedSlave Fapstronaut

    Definitely I am gentle, it is painful for her all the way
    SilentWolfSong likes this.