Share your unpopular movie opinion

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. "Titanic" suck

    "Revenge of the Sith" is the best Star Wars movie

    "National Treasure" sucked a$$ and it had no business being made or popular

    "Goodfellas" suck

    Fifty Shades movies are for mindless, tasteless virgins

    "Jurassic World" was not a good movie but a nostalgia grab

    "Alien Covenant" is a great movie

    Both Nicolas Cage and Brad Pitt could not act for sh!t in their entire career

    "The Fast and the Furious" franchise sucks, except the first three movies

    "Suicide Squad" is a good movie

    "American Sniper" is superior to "Saving Private Ryan"

    Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker is his finest performance in his entire career

    Most Best Picture winners sucked a$$
  2. Lol, I agree with half of this.
    Al Pacino is better than Robert De Niro.
    "Taxi Driver" sucks.
    "Stepbrothers" wasn't funny.
    Will Ferrell movies' suck.
    The only good movie with Samuel Jackson was "Reservoir Dogs", great actor though.
    "Paranormal Activity" sucked bad, I want my time back.
    "The Rundown" was a good movie.
    "Crank" is underrated.
    The "new" James Bond kind of sucks. Pierce Bronson and Sean Connery were the best.
    New movies suck ballllllzzzzzzzzzzzzz. :emoji_8ball::emoji_soccer:
    Actually, I agree with everything you said.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2017
    sev94 and Happy Man like this.
  3. Fast and Furious, Transformers, every movie with the rock or vin diesel are among the worst things on this planet.
    Edit- how could I forget kevin hart? The least humorous comedian there ever was
  4. Ooh oooh,
    "Deadpool" sucked asssssss.
  5. I watched Napolean Dynamite and I only laughed 1 time. The Godfather bored the shit out of me.
  6. DarkwingDuck

    DarkwingDuck Fapstronaut

    Apollo 13 is a great movie.
  7. I've never been a fan of Lord of the Rings or Star Wars. I did enjoy the new Star Wars, though, but Rogue One wasn't as good. I think the only reason people like Star Wars so much is the nostaliga. The older movies are so terrible, especially episodes 1-3. Hayden Christensen is absolutely horrendous. I laughed so much through every single romantic scene between him and Padme. I really don't understand why anyone thinks those are objectively good movies.

    I also think all the fast and the furious movies and planet of the apes movies look incredibly stupid, and I cringe so much every time I have to see a new preview for either. Not a Transformers fan, either.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    All the Hangover movies suck.

    Armageddon was good as.

    Scarface was overrated.

    The Notebook was dumb.

    Tom Hanks, Jennifer Lawrence, Kirsten Stewart, Jessica Alba and Megan Fox are wayyyyy overrated.

    And, most importantly: CINEMAS SUCK.
    LEPAGE and (deleted member) like this.
  9. Agreed
    MLMVSS likes this.
  10. Lol how could Kristen Stewart possibly be overrated? I was under the impression that everyone hates her and thinks she's terrible. I definitely agree with Jessica Alba and Megan Fox, though, but not Tom Hanks and JLaw. I adore both of them.
  11. You know who's majorly underrated in my opinion? Steve Carell. Love him. He's hilarious, of course, but he also does amazingly well in drama roles, too. Definitely one of my favorite actors.

    Another one of my favs is Sam Underwood, but he's not very well known. He was incredible in The Following, though.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2017
    Knighthawk likes this.
  12. There are several people who make me want to see a movie, just by seeing them in the previews or on the poster. Tom Hanks, Jennifer Lawrence, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, David Tennant, and Julianne Moore.
  13. Lol, what was Kristen Stewart even in besides Twilight? Tom Hanks is kind of overrated, Forest Gump wasn't all that.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  14. MLMVSS

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Maybe Stewart's not a fair comparison these days, but she was the craze here when Twilight came out. The 4 others I constantly hear about here too, though I admit not as much Tom Hanks as the other 3. They were okay, but the overhype from their fanbases made them appear as absolute gods/goddesses.
  15. She's been in a lot of things. But I've pretty much never heard anyone say anything positive about her acting skills, so I don't know how she could be considered overrated. I actually think she's a bit underrated. She isn't terrible in everything. Twilight had absolutely terrible direction and writing, which made most of the actors appear worse than they are. Robert Pattinson is actually pretty good, as well, but not in Twilight. I loved him in Water for Elephants and Remember Me.

    And yeah, Idk, I've never seen Forrest Gump, but I love Tom Hanks. I think he's great. He did a great job in Cast Away. And I also just like him a lot as a person, so that might be part of it for me. He's a really funny, nice, chill guy. He reminds me a lot of my dad.
    Deleted Account and MLMVSS like this.
  16. Yeah, I see what you mean. I feel that way a bit about JLaw. I do think she's an amazing actress, and I generally get excited whenever I see that she's going to be in something, because she always does a good job. But it gets annoying when people treat them like goddesses.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  17. I have a couple unpopular show opinions too... like I enjoyed the end of LOST and the end of How I Met Your Mother. Both if them, though, I didn't like the first time around, but once I watched them again I thought the endings were pretty great.

    I also adored The Following and I think it's one of the greatest shows ever written, but that's apparently an unpopular opinion, since it got cancelled after 3 seasons. :(
  18. Eh, Cast Away wasn't all that either. I could've easily played that role with a half ounce of shrooms. Lol, to each his own. Tom Hanks is a great actor though.
  19. Steve Carell is the best! Love him so much. The Office is one of my very favorites. I really want to see the new movie he's in with Bryan Cranston.
    If you like Tom Hanks, you NEED to see Forrest Gump. Pretty much the only movie that actually made me cry. It's one of the greatest movies ever made in my opinion.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    The Harry Potter movies after the 3rd one are downright terrible.
    Jack York likes this.