Share great date ideas

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by JustinX, Mar 17, 2023.

  1. JustinX

    JustinX Fapstronaut

    Hi all, I have created this thread to share great/epic date ideas that worked and maybe to inspire us all to have more fun on dates. I start with my own

    ** Roller Coaster Theme Park date ** - this is my bombshell date idea, never disappointed ever. Since she will feel fear, overcoming fear, closeness, safety together, pushing comfort zone, joy of achieving something scary together, experiencing lot of new things first time it will just create powerful emotions and lot of memories and in just after 1 date your relationship can feel like you dated for a month already. Even though I am 34 and lot of kids there are teenagers, who cares, this date idea never disappointed and always delivered and nowadays I use it only if I want to create deeper emotional connection.

    ** Dancing lesson together date ** - lot of fun, memories, physical closeness

    ** Teaching new skill date ** - doesnt really matter if you both are learning new skill or just one of you. I have used it to learn inline skating together or teach swimming. Usually very good date.

    What are your good date ideas? Please skip coffee, dinner, pub because those are obvious, ordinary and boring.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2023