Sexting strangers

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Smartman-foolsbody, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Wuugazi32

    Wuugazi32 Fapstronaut

    As a 38 year old male I can safely say even once a day isn't enough - I would have sex 5 times a day if my wife could keep up!

    Some people have high sex drives, that's a fact of life - especially when diet and health and in good shape, age doesn't even factor into it.
    Moonbuddy0205 likes this.
  2. tsukuyomi16

    tsukuyomi16 Fapstronaut

    you got it, buddy
  3. Smartman-foolsbody

    Smartman-foolsbody Fapstronaut

    Five times a day would be abit excessive for me. My manhood would fall off and my partner would not be able to recover from the last session.

    Sometimes we have it two or three days in a row but only if my partner isn’t tender. In a way I kind of prefer to wait for it sometimes. If I wait a few days, week or two weeks instead of begging for it daily it feels so much better emotionally and physically for me.
  4. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    true, i was thinking that my man when he is alone at home, is reading book, or just take watch tv, not sexting with strangers online omg
    onceaking and Wuugazi32 like this.
  5. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut


    thanks for your answer, it was very nice and honest, yes, i was thinking actually, that if man is being intimate with his spouse very very often, almost each day, then he dont need to watch porn / do sexting / looking female nudes online , he is so overreacting, and he cant recovery from this, he is addicted to sex and nudism as i mentioned, everything arousing him, even seeing female online i guess.
    its not normal, and he doesnt want any help. plus he doesnt want to cut off his phone addiction, he is always on phone saying me that " im just reading ebook, watching news, reels etc", is just bullshit, because he watches another female online and masturbating or just watching them, i know it, because i caught him many many times. But there is no way to talk to him about it, he doesnt confess and he is agresive when i start this topic again. because he is addicted. I tried to explain to him 100 times, doesnt help. he doesnt see problem in this case.
    its not true what you actually mentioned, that " he openly doing this in front of me", no he is hiding, trying at least, he doesnt say me that " ok now im sexting doing, just dont come to bathroom", no , he doesnt do that, he is thinking that im stupid, and im not noticing, that when he takes his phone to bathroom and he is there 30 minutes, or he thinks that im stupid naive, when he says me that he doesnt want to go out for shopping with me and he stays at home, and im thinking he resting, and he is doing sexting. he doesnt say that " ok dear, i will now do sexting and sex online you can go shopping", he doesnt say, hr try to hide, this makes me even more angry, and this makes me feel awful, ugly, i feel my connection with him getting weak because of this, i was so much bonded to him, but when i see that, how he still tries to HIDE all and he thinks that im blind and stupid, that its really making me mad. Thats why all problems happening, otherwise we dont have any problem. But his addiction made our relationship crazy and horrible. I dont feel happy anymore.
    and im realising that he is unhappy too, but he cant do more for himself and us.
    I asked him to quit, he just couldt, for maybe few days yes, another days he cant, he again did this, especially, when we argue and i dont want to sleep with him , when im angry to him, he is doing this more and more. i realised also this. or when he is stressful, or when im not immediately next to him, or when i have period, or when im somerwhere with my friends, when im at home, he tries to not do that of course. but still some excuses im listening to. " he is just watching reels, he is just bored, he doesnt want to go out , or he is just reading ebook at 4 am while im sleeping ", omg nope. he is just lieing to my eyes directly.!!! and this made me more agresive even, he is druving me crazy. he doesnt realise his mistakes, he doesnt see how he hurts me. he doesnt care. probably, im searching one year these things from the time as i know it, he maybe has narcistic disorder,so he doesnt see this as a problem, narcists are cheaters naturally, they have multiple relationships, its not about their libido or urges or addcitions, they want to have all women in the world. it is also possible, because i noticed as well on him, that when i say that " you are hurting me with these behvaiours, he gets mad"and agresive, he doesnt wanna talk these topics around and stillm he has not much emotions, and also very little EQ, he doesnt have compassion in his life and sensitivity as well. thats why its arrogant and rude sometimes doing that. and still lies lies lies.
    maybe he tried to quit, but he cant do that, he wants to be admired by many girls online he wants to feel hunter.
    but this makes me crazy, that even when we dont argue, we have nice sex daily, he is doing that at night :( thats crazy i feel so unhappy.
  6. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    yes thats true, i cant dump him after these years, but also it hurts me as well pretty much. and i cant be peaceful now. it damaging my psychology really.
  7. MindlessWorm

    MindlessWorm New Fapstronaut

    I’ve struggled with this exact same issue for years! I’ve never been able to understand why I did it. Now I’ve put it down to it not only being fun while in the act, but also giving me a sense of achievement. Successfully sexting someone to the point where they send nudes or sexual photos of themselves feels like winning. Also, if I send them photos and they like them it’s approval that I’m sexy. It’s a win win, until the guilt chimes in after anyway…

    We got this everyone. We know deep down it’s wrong and has to stop, so we will prevail together.

    - Mindless
  8. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    and you are also young and married and wife is feeling bad when she knows, or she doesnt know?:)))
    so you think is innocent like porn or just cheating or ? do you feel quilt or not?
    some guys says that its just interactive porn
  9. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    for example i cant do much sexting with random strangers, im woman, and loving husband, so i tried to make revenge to him and i tried to have sexting, but i dont have these feelings, it doesnt turn me on in such of level, that when im doing with my hubby. with him its just awesome ( because we did also sometimes sexting when we are away ), but it turns me on, but with strangers online who i dont know, its not much fun and i dont feel this satisfaction why ?
    because i so much love my hubby, or just because im woman and woman are different ?
    i dont care this much, i just want with husband only, or maybe have some emotional bond, with someone, or atraction so much, but husband is doing with randomly womens online.
  10. tsukuyomi16

    tsukuyomi16 Fapstronaut

    Why are you telling me this? Tell him that, honestly.
  11. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    i told him as well, nothing helps :(
  12. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    i wanna send you private message but i dont know how to do, i think i cant :D i wanna ask something
    Wuugazi32 likes this.
  13. tsukuyomi16

    tsukuyomi16 Fapstronaut

    gross, im out
    Smartman-foolsbody likes this.
  14. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    yesterday he mentioned that he is fantasizing another sexi girl in our bed :( i feel strange.
    im definitely not enough then for him.
    he told me, that he will never do that, but he has these dreams.
  15. roifwoha

    roifwoha Fapstronaut

    Agreed. Me too.

    We bein' played?
  16. Smartman-foolsbody

    Smartman-foolsbody Fapstronaut

    @Synthia24 have you had other relationships or is this your first?

    If your daily life consists of a morning session of sex and then the rest of the day questioning yourself and your husband your mind constantly stressing and thinking about what he’s doing on his phone and in the toilet etc it’s not healthy.

    All we can do on nofap is advise each other. People have don’t be same with me when I’ve struggled in my relationship. I can’t make you do anything is up to you to decide your path in life.

    A relationship / marriage is built upon many many aspects.

    Eating fast food in bed (optional)

    The list could be endless. I’ve been in relationships with one or two aspects of this list.

    My first relationship was with a very controlling woman and we only had 2 things on the list above. Romance and passion.

    Zero trust, zero everything else. One of the darkest times of my life. But she was my first and I was very lonely at the time so kept going into a deadly cycle.

    What do you and your partner do currently in the relationship what makes you happy or each other happy. Not involving sex.

    I’m sorry if some users get offended about me being upfront and honest but we only get a short life in the grand scheme of things. Would you rather spend 20,30,40 years with someone you trust, makes you happy, very little doubt and stress. Or that time constantly stressing and unhappy.

    My partners sister is in a very toxic relationship. Husband is always getting kicked out. Arguing infront of kids. He is lazy very very lazy and tight with money. If it’s anything to do with the kids he doesn’t have money. But has money for a Xbox game or alcohol or a takeaway.

    I feel like both men and women try to think about the happier times in long term relationships and pray it will return to that. And instead a downward spiral of unhappiness occurs.

    I will keep future responses on this post related to sexting strangers as we are getting wildly off topic. I’ve so far gone nearly a month without sexting strangers. I need to reset my nofap counter as I’ve been stressed lately and gone back to porn for stress relief.
  17. Synthia24

    Synthia24 Fapstronaut

    i had relationship, about 5 years before my husband. but it was not much serious, but he wasnt doing sexting, or i didnt know that at least at all, because we hadnt lived together. we were living separately.
    we have ion relationship very much romance, and we help each other, we spend time together, we smile together, we have common hobbbies, things together, its not only about sex between us, we love each other i guess.
    i think in this sentence you are right,
    " i feel like both men and women try to think"
    yes, im also keeping this in my mind, how i was happy and etc before.
    now im stressful, what he will do on his phone when im not around :( or at night when i feell asleep.
    Wuugazi32 likes this.
  18. kondziu

    kondziu Fapstronaut

    I am sexting strangers on the cam surf sites. Most of them discontinued because of 18+ people sexting with any age on these sites.

    Now I made a decision. I used to live on these sites daily for years maybe up to 2020, but since then I am only weekly or once a month. It's still hours of your life away, as you'll never find someone suitable in just a minute. After sexual session, with video on at some point, you end up releasing. So much energy used for nothing. I don't have answers, but we need to find better use for our time. I try to full stop now with these cam surf sites as these can make any people in trouble. No matter your age, if one shows off here, the material can be recorded, reposted etc.

    When there is so much AI generated content too, you can't be sure if the person is real anymore, you video chat sexting on the internet...

    For me it means full stop for this behaviour. I just can't anymore.

    I tried blocking these sites, but this is actually easy to unblock, so in my opinion it's much better to keep it "open" and forget. So do not visit sites. If you end up on cam site sexting strangers, just close it and go on this forum instead. You can not do this for long, because it's possible that someone may want to sext with you online, but then reports you to gain some money within court. Do you want that trouble?

    I will try, like one said, full stop with this. What makes us crave sexting? Isn't it because it's too easy nowadays...
  19. Ripdip34

    Ripdip34 New Fapstronaut


    Block the app store
  20. Ripdip34

    Ripdip34 New Fapstronaut


    Look into an app called appblock. It allows you to block any and everything like 98 days and you can extend the time. Block the appstore, the browser if you need to. In my situation if anything is left open, ill find a way to the porn. Even the smart tv's and laptop need to be blcoked. You are keeping the door open for relapse.