
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Atomic, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. Atomic

    Atomic New Fapstronaut

    Hi... I'm 37 and it's time for some major changes. I've always been tied to a computer so my habit goes back to when the PC just started to become porn-capable. I'd find stuff on the old dial-up BBS's and over the years the technology just enabled more and more. Still, nobody's fault but my own. I've wasted a lot of time in my younger years over this. I've ruined relationships and my current one hangs in the balance. My addiction led me to look for offline encounters which I am now atoning for. I'm 11 days in and hoping to keep going. Pretty tired of the guilt and shame. On the bright side, I recently landed an amazing new job and after years of corporate misery, find myself surrounded by amazing talent and a career path doing what I'm best at. My plan is to embrace that, and make an effort every day to improve.


    (betting my gf reads this... I think she's reading this site more than I am now :)