Santa Claus Exists

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by FirefromAbove, Dec 24, 2021.

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  1. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    This is an undeniable fact. Santa Claus is not a myth.

    If he doesn't exist please answer the following questions:

    If santa claus didnt exist how come there are presents under my christmas tree every year on the 25th on the dot?

    If santa claus didnt exist how come all my cookies are eaten in the morning?

    The simple denial of Santa Claus is pure mental gymnastics.

    "My parents did it"

    Sorry, honey. Your parents don't love you.

    Santa Claus loves all of us, despite you not loving him. The whole coal in socking conspiracy is a hoax. Parents did that not Santa.

    He does know if you're naughty or nice, but he understands the good in everyone.
  2. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    Bro you said the r word
    Candun and En?gma like this.
  3. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Wasn't he murder yesterday Santa Claus alias @PatrickBasedman
  4. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    No Mod Ebenezer Scrooge hates christmas, but not time wasting threads about "culture wars" (Those masculinity threads) which the most recent mod post was about.

    What do I know? Nothing.

    Its christmas and Im in a good spirit! :)
    silex_jedi, Candun and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  5. I'm all the letters
  6. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    It’s amazing how biased the mods are and see no problem with it.
  7. Behold Saint Nicholas! (A.K.A St. Nick) (A.K.A Santa)
    Checkmate Santa Deniers!!!
    silex_jedi and FirefromAbove like this.
  8. Bro you can't just share these things with profane they need to understand these things alone. Anyway the pic just told half of the truth (this does NOT mean what is writted in it is wrong).
  9. Bro you can't just share these things with profane they need to understand these things alone. Anyway the pic just told half of the truth (this does NOT mean what is writted in it is wrong).
  10. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

  11. Dioplleo_547 likes this.
  12. Well honestly that period of secrets is end so now we are in the Revelation (Apocalypse), you can tell what you want to people. Is a fact that even if you bring them the exactly truth is not sure they will belive in it because we have in a period of Relativism so people at pics like this will only show a laugh and call this pseudosciene, but they live their life confusing truth with subjective opinion.
    Whispers likes this.
  13. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

  14. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    I do.
    Dioplleo_547 likes this.
  15. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Ok, seriously speaking, why would that be?
  16. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Considering one of the users was banned for santaposting. I dont see how this site would be any different if it was.

    On the other hand Our friend it is finish might have annoyed many of us but he was entitled to is opinion just as you are.

    They even locked remember the fallen. That is a great disrespect to the users of this site. The powers at be are wannabe cops and it shows. They make no attempt to address the grievances of users on this site and instead give a heavy-handed approach yet complain when users push back. This is why many users are seeking different avenues of recovery.

    The funniest thing about the past two weeks is the most recent post by the mod team on OT explicitly said that "culture war" topics were prohibited, yet topics that relate to masculinity and other issues that are often debated among academia and the western media that correlate to the culture wars are still standing, but @PatrickBasedman 's posts about santa claus "weren't conducive to the community."

    I did the smell test and this sure smells like something we all know.

    Have you ever read Animal Farm?

    Its very telling of both macro and micro groups. Its one of my favorite books.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2022
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  17. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Manospheres are extremely toxic, misogynistic, and advocate for male dominance. They also gather a bunch of callous, unemotional men. Manospheres only seek to reinforce a version of masculinity that is founded on objectifying and belittling the female gender, as well as justifying heinous and unjust standards and an overwhelming sense of entitlement.

    It would be a shame if this platform also turns into one of these hostile places, that is why members who are likely to lead to this unwanted outcome need to be restricted.
    Roady likes this.
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    And why would you grieve? It's not like they might be gone forever, many of the guys banned are actually undead monsters.
  19. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    If you were on that list. I would grieve for you too.
  20. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I don't know if I should feel warmth or discomfort at this comment...
    Roady likes this.
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