Running alongside others

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. c26

    c26 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    I am fairly new to this group but have a fairly similar story to others. I have been battling this addiction since I was very young, and tried quitting even before I became a Christian.

    Not long ago I was part of an accountability group of fellow brothers, where we helped each other in our journeys to quit. It was wonderful but unfortunately it simmered out and I found myself returning to old ways.

    If anyone is interested in being accountability partners or creating an accountability group, let me know. I truly believe the best way to free ourselves from this addiction is to run alongside fellow Christians so we can support each other as much as possible.
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  2. NS99

    NS99 Fapstronaut

    Sure, I’d be interested.