Recent medical issue uprooted life. On my self improvement journey back.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by likewisefooey, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. likewisefooey

    likewisefooey Fapstronaut

    Hi all :)

    5 months ago I got a medical issue that uprooted my life. I have not been able to work since than, I just sit at home trying to recover. Been to many doctors but there's not a lot they can do. I just hope for the best that I will recover one day. Anyways, as you can suspect, when I'm home alone all day every day (people visit sometimes) I get lonely. I have always had no issues but they have gotten worse at this time in my life. Just recently I did 14 days with no P and I recently relapsed. I haven't gone more than 3 days without masturbation in months. Sometimes twice a day. I do my best to not watch P. Anyways, it has kind of mentally destroyed me. Some good things have come from it though. I take ice baths, workout, and do wim hof every morning. As well as eating healthy and reading. Things get really good and than they fall again. This pmo stuff is the one thing I have holding me back in life. I don't know what to do but I need to get a grip on it. In a perfect world, completely quitting P and MO cold turkey would be best. Than, I would not have a problem at all, but that doesn't seem viable. I quit smoking, drinking, and all other "vices" over a year ago now. I need to reboot. I need to find stuff to do so I stop relapsing. Some days I just sit on the couch all day. I look towards brighter days, but some days are dim. If anyone has any advice for my situation, it would be appreciated. Thank you.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  2. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    You have a lot of free time so you could use it by creating something. That could be art, crafts, music, writing, business or whatever you’re enthusiastic about. Why am I emphasizing creativity? Because the sexual energy is creative. This is a way to give it a healthy outlet.
    likewisefooey likes this.
  3. likewisefooey

    likewisefooey Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I will try out painting and crafts. Maybe some writing too. Appreciate you boss.
    Icewarrior and Rainbow Warrior like this.
  4. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut

    Without mistakes we wouldn’t learn. The thing you need to do, is reset your dopamine levels while you can. To get rid of the excitement in the brain which is probably most likely causing pmo induced depression. I had it so I know what I’m talking about.

    Pmo caused me 17 years in and out of mental asylums. I use to go crazy. Once I stopped pmo I got off all my meds within 3 months and I once reached a 700 day streak after a few failed attempts. Doesn’t mean you will have a few failed attempts, you can but if you go Hardmode you might not fail at all.

    You need to remove all environmental triggers immediately such as whatever you watch pmo on. Facebook Instagram and depending on what phone you have you need to immediately set safety filters in place to prevent pmo content appearing.

    the brain needs a reset and it will hit hard. Removing triggers you will be doing yourself a favour. 50% is willpower and the rest is cultivation each day remaining busy and productive. Before you know it you’ve gone 10-20-30-60-90 days without pmo. I use a calendar and tick off each day as it ends. But that aside, cultivation is important.

    Science confirms that 90 days is what it takes to reboot and rewire the addicted brain. A tad little longer in some exceptional cases. But you must remain busy and productive without peeking at pmo. So all those years you think it’s impossible to undo pmo it all can be done in such little time but requires daily effort on your part.

    Getting rid of your laptop is a big step. I closed my eyes and threw everything away. Took a lot of willpower to do it. Best thing I did. And I got safety filters on my phone. Whatever it is, if it’s a trigger get rid of it.

    Try to

    sleep early and wake early.
    Do not eat too late and too heavy
    Do not sleep on stomach or naked
    Fast as much as possible
    Watching nofap videos on YouTube
    Drinking only water no fizzy drinks
    Eating light healthy meals
    Less meat more veg

    i personally believe I will have a long streak this time without peeking at pmo material. As the days go by nofap is a fight to the end. 700-750 was my last streak. But I will be counting the days less and less and focusing more on cultivation each day. It gets easier and easier and with Hardmode the possibilities are endless.

    some benefits are

    More focus and clarity
    Less brain fog
    More determination
    Increased willpower

    lastly, for those who believe in God. he sets you free. No pmo brings God to you. read your Bible or Quran. I personally cannot read or write as I have a disability but using a phone makes things easier for someone with disability. God clarifies things for you and strengthens your determination.

    do not give up and be determined. Keep fighting.
    likewisefooey likes this.
  5. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut


    Medical issue? Are they mental health related or physical? Are you claiming any benefits? I’m going through the same thing. I have a medical issue physical and it’s very difficult but i still try to get out when i can to do things even if it’s feeding the homeless once a week i go and do it to better myself and to please God.
  6. likewisefooey

    likewisefooey Fapstronaut

    It is a physical issue. But, the physical issue does effect my mental health, as most things they co exist together. Im not claiming benefits for now. Im glad you are getting out and doing stuff like feeding the homeless, and following God. He will forgive your sins. I follow God as well. I like to sometimes go to book stores, libraries, coffee shops, just to get out.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  7. likewisefooey

    likewisefooey Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for this brother. This just gave me so much motivation. If you'd like to keep in touch I will PM you. God bless.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  8. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    @likewisefooey, hey man, sounds like you have some great habits. I do Wim Hof breathing and cold showers in the AM too. Something I've noticed with myself that might be useful to note is that I can fill most of my day with positive habits, but if I don't have some bigger picture or vision I'm working toward, then when I do have a little downtime, the call of my bs little vices will inevitably get loud enough that I say "f it" and drink or watch p or w/e.

    Good habits are great, but having some bigger picture vision than the in-and-out of your day-to-day has proved more important in my life. And the more specific, the better.

    Someone mentioned finding a creative outlet. Or maybe just starting to write. Articulating a 10 page essay just for yourself on what you want from life, as well as what you don't, and how that vision may or may not come to be, that could be a great thing to focus on. And whatever bubbles up from writing out what the heck you want and how the heck to get there may lead to something specific and positive and solid to work toward.

    I just think we all need some bigger-picture vision to keep us honest. From there, atomic habits can do wonders. But for me at least, I need to kinda hang on to some purpose that's bigger than myself, that informs my habits, and that can remind me when I do have downtime why I'm not mis-using it.
    InnerMan likes this.