Ready to quit 19 year addiction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Sneezemethree, Jan 16, 2024.

  1. Sneezemethree

    Sneezemethree New Fapstronaut

    Hey y’all

    I’ve been watching porn since I was 14 I am 33.

    After my most recent breakup I’ve escalated more than I’ve ever escalated before.

    I’m tired of the wasted time potential wasted money the confusion the guilt the shame the secrets.

    I feel like a loser. I look at the people around me they have hobbies they have accomplished things while I’m stuck finding a new way to get off and it never enough.

    People ask me what do I do or what are my hobbies I have nothing to tell them because I’m a sex addict.

    I’ve become a dull and isolated.