Porn stats for USA in 2024

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by jay3241, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    Porn Statistics
    Overview of statistics on pornography:

    1. 1 in 5 smartphone search queries is related to porn.
    2. Approximately 1 million people are watching online pornography every minute.
    3. 46% of men and 16% of women in the U.S. consume porn regularly.
    4. Teens and young adults say “not recycling” is more immoral than viewing porn.
    5. About 7.7 million Americans struggle with pornography addiction.
    6. 1 in 4 men actively hides their pornography use from their partner.
    7. Porn is associated with a 30% decrease in commitment and lower relationship quality.
    8. Divorce rates double for married couples who start watching porn.
    9. Regular porn users feel lonelier, more insecure, and dissatisfied with their appearance.
  2. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

  3. Hudson36

    Hudson36 Fapstronaut

    Why do I have the feeling that it's much more than that? I know these poll results from Germany, they always state numbers like "30% of men" or something. As if everybody would admit to his addiction. It's probably more in the 80 or 90% range.
  4. Biophage

    Biophage Fapstronaut

    I think older men are much less likely to watch, and that brings down the average. Porn usage is probably much higher in Berlin than in some old männer aus dem Schwarzwald.

    It's been a while since I read the statistics, but the takeaway I got was that in young men (age 18-35), around ~40% watch very regularly, another 40% also use but are much less frequent viewers and tend to consume much more softcore content, and about 10-20% never use at all.
  5. Lol it is so much higher than this. Like 75% of men are like "hey honey, Im gonna go watch P now." hardly. I'd say it's the reverse, 75% men hide their use..
    KevinesKay likes this.
  6. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

  7. Onuphrios

    Onuphrios Fapstronaut

    I really really believe that porn has moral problems. It harms mostly yourself, but also fuels a shady industry and may impact your relationship to other women. Not recycling however is part of a bigger problem. We are litterally destroying our planet and it affects everyone. I somehow get the argument why its more immoral. It affects more people in a more serious way, even though its not so dramatic and a smaller issue in itself. But Im also German and seperate every garbage by hand even if it takes a minute or two. We also have 4 different bins for different waste, glascontainers ordered by color and bring our plastic bottles back to the supermarket after we drank them. Took a while to explain that to our american roommates haha
  8. Thanks for sharing this source. My fellow fapstronauts, I dont recommend clicking. This link is connected to P sites has some click-baity triggering content.

    None of the data in the links is from peer-reviewed studies, some of it seems to have heavy political and religious bias. and all of it is aggregated and dissected by one person to promote their dating platform (the link here).

    I'm not blaming OP here, but just giving this as a content warning.
  9. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    1. Statista. 2019. How Much of the Internet Consists of Porn?
    2. Netcraft. 2022. July 2022 Web Server Survey.
    3. Statista. 2013. 60% of Porn Websites Are Hosted in the United States.
    4. Pornhub Insights. 2021. 2021 Year in Review.
    5. Similarweb. 2022. Top Websites Ranking.
    6. Ahrefs. 2022. Site Explorer.
    7. Mark Regnerus, David Gordon & Joseph Price (2016) Documenting Pornography Use in America: A Comparative Analysis of Methodological Approaches, The Journal of Sex Research, 53:7, 873-881, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2015.1096886.
    8. Ingrid Solano, Nicholas R. Eaton & K. Daniel O’Leary (2020) Pornography Consumption, Modality and Function in a Large Internet Sample, The Journal of Sex Research, 57:1, 92-103, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2018.1532488.
    9. The Wheatley Institution, Austin Institute. 2021. The Porn Gap. How is Pornography Impacting Relationships Between Men and Women Today?
    10. Barna. 2016. Porn in the Digital Age: New Research Reveals 10 Trends.
    11. VeryWellMind. 2022. What Are the Effects of Porn Addiction?
    12. de Alarcón R, de la Iglesia JI, Casado NM, Montejo AL. Online Porn Addiction: What We Know and What We Don’t-A Systematic Review. J Clin Med. 2019 Jan 15;8(1):91. doi: 10.3390/jcm8010091. PMID: 30650522; PMCID: PMC6352245.
    13. Census Bureau. 2021. U.S. Adult Population Grew Faster Than Nation’s Total Population From 2010 to 2020.
    14. Samuel L. Perry & Cyrus Schleifer (2018) Till Porn Do Us Part? A Longitudinal Examination of Pornography Use and Divorce, The Journal of Sex Research, 55:3, 284-296, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2017.1317709.
    15. Manning J., Senate Testimony 2004. Is the Internet bad for your marriage? Online affairs, pornographic sites playing greater role in divorces.
    16. Survey Center of American Life. 2022. Politics, Sex, and Sexuality: The Growing Gender Divide in American Life.

    (from the website that OP provided)
    silex_jedi likes this.
  10. AbelHimself

    AbelHimself Fapstronaut

    My coomer brain read "porn stars for usa..." in the title o_O
    KevinesKay and Computernaut like this.