Porn can make your lose your teeth (not a joke)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ThePerspicacious, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. ThePerspicacious

    ThePerspicacious Fapstronaut

    Before you begin thinking I've gone crazy, wait and read this, the title is not clickbait. Before I start, I just want to make it clear that the only reason I'm sharing this is to spread awareness, to let you know what porn can lead to, so as we all know, over the years porn addicts escalate to different things, weird things, One common fetish category is femdom, and many of us are familiar with its, while i was journaling, I recalled something I saw during my last relapse, I was watching a femdom video, while I was watching that trash, a suggested video of popped up in front of me. I don't recall the exact title, and even if I did, I wouldn't mention it, to prevent people from searching for it, it was a video where a woman encourages porn addicts to eat their poop, not gonna describe the video obviously because that might trigger people, but she was saying humuliating shit, and she was encouraging porn addicts to do that, You might think, "Who would ever eat their own poop? That's insane." And yes, it is. But if you're aware with the kind of porn content people can escalate to, you'll know that some individuals derive can begin to enjoy cei porn, some jerk off to idea of being feminized, etc, but this poop eating shit is so dangerous, iI read a comment where someone mentioned they had tried it and ended up losing many of their teeth. Theoretically and practically, that's highly likely, if not the most expected outcome, because it contains bacteria harmful to the body, And his comment didn't seem fake or like a lie, which really frightened me. , to know that porn addiction can lead you to do stupid things to get pleasure for a few seconds, things that can lead to permanent damage, god only knows where do escalation lead to, You might read this and think, "That's not me. I'm an addict, but I would never go that far." But you won't truly know until you've reached that point. Please, stay away from porn.
    Zeso likes this.
  2. beyondlife

    beyondlife Fapstronaut

    That is a good reflection and good advice, thank you. Porn indeed can lead you to anything you can imagine and not only that we as humans are able to become what ever we can imagine even things that are far away from being good for us.
    ThePerspicacious likes this.
  3. Олександр

    Олександр Fapstronaut

    bro thank you)
    ThePerspicacious likes this.