Penis size and Jelqing

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by TicLun, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. TicLun

    TicLun Fapstronaut

    Okay, before I start a little disclaimer

    !! Don't search it all up because it may lead to a relapse (Your choice)

    So I have a simple question.
    I'm happy with my length down there but just like any other man, I wouldn't mind it being bigger/thicker. And yesterday I heard about "Jelqing" and I wonder if it works. Is anyone here that has experience with this?

    Some people say it's a process that can give you from half an inch to an inch and a half (depending on the person) and I just wonder if it works.

    The science behind it makes kinda sense. People explain it and compare it to the way your biceps grow. You do the exercises under the tension and create micro-tears in your penile muscle and then it regenerates and grows bigger/thicker. And it just makes kind of sense to me because it's not like those length-increasing pills and lubes ect that you just pop and wow big boy down there but it's something you're working on daily.

    I'll try it out and see what happens but the process is supposed to take at least 5-6 months or so of daily exercise but I think that's worth it if I can make my sex life even more interesting.

    So if anyone has any experience please tell me. It peaked my interest and It may even lead to an interesting discussion.

    Thank you.
    im_done likes this.
  2. TicLun

    TicLun Fapstronaut

    Sooo this is gonna be weird but...

    I tried it today, the first attempt was just kinda like "oh let's just try it out" and it was fine but like 10 minutes ago I tried it again now with a proper form and all and did it for like 5-10 minutes. I have to say my erection was much stronger than it usually is. Nothing about the increase in size but the overall "definition" was better.

    Anyway, I overshot it a bit and now my penis is pretty sore so I'm gonna leave it alone to regenerate and try again tomorrow.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  3. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    This doesn't sound good to mee. I don't recommend. Maybe ask a doctor first?
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  4. Asgardian36

    Asgardian36 Fapstronaut

    how did it workout for you????????
  5. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    It's stupid to compare it to growing biceps. Biceps are a muscle, muscles are designed to build new muscle cells when damaged. These new cells will be healthy and functional muscle cells. Penis however is not a muscle and it does not contain these types of cells. And it is not designed to build more of such cells. Penis is more like a sponge. If you brake the cells of the penis apart you won't get more of the spongeous cells which will result in more healthy and functional penile tissue—no—you will simply build scar tissue!

    If you build a lot of scar tissue it can indeed fill up some space and make it appear thicker, but you are also risking damaging healthy tissues with that; plenty of stories on the internet where people develop hard-flaccid syndrome (or whatever it is called medically, basically a form of erectile dysfunction when you can not get fully erect). And you don't even know whether you will build scar tissue evenly, it's hard to control; sometimes people develop more scar tissue in one area than another area of the penis and that leads to weird looking bumps and might change the shape of the penis, making it crooked looking, etc.
    It can also lead to infections, because, unlike muscles, penile tissue is not meant to be damaged like this, this leads to bad inflammation which then increases risk of infections. And infections can have high risk of damaging tissues; read some stories of people developing nerve damage and losing sensitivity.

    For somebody who has so small penis that they are not able to use it to penetrate anyways the reward of this might outweigh the risk. But you say that yours is functional, so I can't imagine that in your case the reward does outweigh the risk of potentially ending up with numb and useless jewelry down there—what's the point of hanging a big one if you can't even use it properly? Hmm?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
    LostSon267 and hhh999 like this.
  6. French defense

    French defense New Fapstronaut

    The penis is a muscle, smooth muscle to be exact. I have jelqed in the past but never long enough to see if it actually works. Basically, you’re “milking” the penis in an “OK” grip from the base to right before the head to maintain bloodflow. This massage is suppose to stimulate the penis in such a way that it response with growth. You can also add stretches to your routine as well. The only thing is is to not go at it too hard and risk injury or too softly. There are a few forums you could find on PE providing more info if you just search around. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence, so I wouldn’t automatically rule it out.
  7. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    The penis is NOT a muscle!!!
  8. French defense

    French defense New Fapstronaut

    Erectile tissue is tissue in the body with numerous vascular spaces, or cavernous tissue, may become engorged with blood. However, tissue that is devoid of or otherwise lacking erectile tissue (such as the labia minora the vestibule/vagina and the urethra) may also be described as engorging with blood, often with regard to sexual arousal.

    Cavernous tissue refers to blood-filled spaces lined by endothelium and surrounded by smooth muscle. It is present in the erectile tissue of the penis and clitoris

    Corpus cavernosum - the smooth muscle in the penis relaxes so blood can flow into it, making the penis erect.

    Definitely not the same type of tissue as skeletal muscle. Hence the controversy of whether or not jelqing works, but as long as you don’t abuse your member, at the very least you get some good circulation going.

    Btw all those definitions are from wiki fwiw
  9. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Jelqing is a form of masturbation. I have tried it before and 10 years ago I was obsessed with size, and did all kinds of exercise to increase. If it worked, it was only marginal. What it did do was stimulate me to point I craved ejaculation more and more and would always lead to relapse. I do wonder as I'm getting older if those exercises might help with prostrate cancer risk though as this is common in my family. For that, I still think Kegels exercise and light stretching can be good, but that also increased my sexual desire. No way to get around it, it is edging and if you play around on the edge you will eventually fall off. This is something I don't need right now. Whenever I try it, even after month of sobriety, I have problems with insomnia. I know of some retention gurus out there who recommend retaining while also edging, but I know I'm too much of an addict to handle that. My sleep is too important to sabotage it that way.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2024
  10. s0ra

    s0ra Fapstronaut

    I’ve once read something about a guy who tried jelqing and got ED from it i think by damaging the nerves or something…
    So i would not recommend it bro not worth it!
  11. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    I tried that and I even bought an x4 lengthening device. Damaged my ding and i permanently have a mis-shaped section from where the device would squeeze. Luckily I stopped using it before any more damage. I am fine thank god. I also used it wrong, it was for peyronies which i didn't have. I don't trust any of these techniques. Too much potential for things to go wrong and it takes too long for barely any marginal gains. Not worth it IMO.
  12. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    Bro what is this thread :emoji_joy:

    Please don’t jelq………
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.
  13. Muha22

    Muha22 Fapstronaut

    I have no Idea what jelqing is
  14. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    You are not missing anything. It's essentially MO but instead of up and down, it mostly just pushing up in effort to squeeze all the blood up to the head repeatedly. It doesn't really work and in our addictions, it will just lead to relapse. Also, many have been known to do this too hard and have caused damage. I don't recommend it any way, and yes I have tried it and have noticed temporary blood vessel damage.
  15. biggermack352

    biggermack352 Fapstronaut

    I jelqed for a while. The stretching helped lengthen my foreskin (I am uncircumcised). The lengthened foreskin helped masturbation be more comfortable. Even with an erection I have enough skin to move up and down. I might have noticed fuller erections and slight increase in length but nothing major. It’s definitely dangerous and can cause permanent damage and ED.

    the number one thing to do to lengthen your penis is lose weight. If you have a few extra pounds to lose. I lost about 20 pounds last year and my penis looked much larger. More of the shaft is out so it’s effectively longer.
  16. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    I've heard about it. I wish there was a peer-reviewed study to prove the efficacy. I plan on trying it soon. I didn't get lucky, to say the least.