Pay for sex

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Yassineopter, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. I just wonder, why you do have so many likes...
  2. What likes are we talking about?
  3. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    i don't think i'm the only one thinking this man
  4. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    That is really absurd man.
    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  5. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Just because that wasn't the case for you, doesn't mean it isn't the case for others.
    I suffered terribly inside for not having had sex until i was in my mid-twenties. Not everyone is born with a shitload of confidence that will make the virginity inconsequencial. A lot are suffering.
    And to be honest, i feel a bit pissed off by your ignorance.

    That comment doesn't show any empathy whatsoever.
  6. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    It’s so weird for me to observe this thread from the opposite sex because my whole life up until this point has been full of men using me sexually for free and with no remorse.

    They preyed upon my innocense and inexperience. I guess I had “scared virgin girl” on my forehead or something. We’re used to men seeking non-committed sexual encounters. Why do you think escorts know how to make a profit on that?

    All women are warned of this stereotypical notion that men only want to fuck and our female existence revolves around entertaining some hidden rating community orchestrated by consumer data for men. We are flowers to be cut out of the soil if we are pretty enough. And for those of us who aren’t, we have makeup and slutty clothes to compensate for it.

    I know men suffer their own gender-specific woes surrounding being fit, confident, and rich. However, I have a hard time processing why some men feel like paying for sex is a preferable solution. Unless you have a kinky inclination to have sex with strangers due to the thrill of porn escalation, I don’t see why some men who want a real connection go this route. It just cheats the obstacle of seeking a mate and winning their attention. It’s a fast food transaction. I understand its appeal and the easiness of it but it makes you a foul, sloppy, unskilled sex partner who doesn’t know how to fuck a girl in a way that’s pleasurable.

    Even if you ask an escort for a sex tutorial on how to please a girl, she’s most likely going to bullshit you for money. She has no empathy for you. She thinks you’re pathetic and gross and she can’t wait to make her last call so she can laugh about your secret fantasies that you’ve enacted.

    Don’t get me wrong, I know that shyness and insecurity are huge barriers but if all you want to do is have sex, it’s easy: find a girl who is in your looks range (maybe even a tad out of your league), become acquainted, flatter her, be persistent without being a creep, find an opportunity to be sexual, and eventually you’ll get her naked. You don’t even need to call her in the morning. Trust me, we’re used to this “hit it and quit it” game.
  7. ManIUsedToBe

    ManIUsedToBe Fapstronaut

    BAD IDEA. Avoid it. Keep sex natural. This can be just as addictive as masturbation if not MORE SO. And VERY expensive.
    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  8. ManIUsedToBe

    ManIUsedToBe Fapstronaut

    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  9. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry for your suffering
    I was not born with a ton of confidence, I can tell you that. As a Christian I don't have a choice anyway. I have to remain a virgin until marriage and deal with it. If anyone is going to judge me on that maybe I don't want to be his friend anyway.
    offense is taken not given, to quote a popular (and innacurate) saying, but you get the point. If you choose to be offended, that is your issue. The dude literally said if you haven't lost you virginity by 25 you should go to a prostitute exclusively to lose your virginity. That is absurd advice in my opinion, and I can back my claim up well.
    ArsenalAffliction likes this.
  10. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    Of course. It IS a bad thing to do. But for some people who don't have their faith in god, they see that as the last resort to stop their suffering. This was never about whether it is a good idea or not.
    To me, it was more about you implying that people couldn't possible feel so bad inside about something that it could drive them to go to a prostitute.
    And that is just false. Some people are just feeling horrible and just see no other way.

    And it is very bad, sad and horrible that they just don't see themself ever being with a regular woman they are attracted to and resort to going to a prostitute.
  11. I cant say, I'm finding it terribly hard getting anyone to pay me for sex
  12. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    The negative effects of prostitution apply universally.

    I didn't imply that. I just said it was a bad idea. This thread was about purposefully losing your virginity for the sake of losing your virginity, and I don't support that.
  13. Prostitution is a mistake. Just that!
  14. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    btw, while it might cause a social issue, it doesn't actually cause health problems
  15. It takes two to tango. Bare women are just like the men you describe.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. ReclaimedLife

    ReclaimedLife Fapstronaut

    A mental health issue is as much a health problem as any other health issue. Probably even more so because while it is rooted in the brain, it will still affect the body and cause problems like heart disease or sleep deprivation it normally wouldn't have.

    And i know people who have a strong believe in god. Some of my closest friends are devout christians and we get alone wonderfully. And they do suffer (way) less because they always have someone to talk to and are able to release the mental pressure this way, which is a really really good and a very healthy thing for the mind. Someone who doesn't believe in god in this way is stuck with his or her thoughts about virginity and is more likely to develop those psychosomatic health issues.

    And again, for the last time. I wasn't talking about the negative effects of prostitution. There is no good effect on prostitution (maybe) outside of a decreased tendency to violence by men. And i am NOT going to debate this point either.
    Let's put it like this. There are only downsides to prostitution for women and only a fraction of positive effects for men. The world would be better off without it, but that is never going to happen because our sexuality is build into our survival and can therefore not be totally shut off. We will feel desire in on way or another, the difference is only how we deal with it.

    And i do very much understand the OP here, even though i don't support his advice either.
    But understanding the reasoning behind the advice is key.

    Do you think he would have opened this thread if he knew how to talk to girls and would have no problems whatsoever to get a girl he really likes into bed?
    Probably not.
    The desire to have sex can be so overwhelming that we don't see any other way then to ask for anonymous help on the internet, because some people don't want to discuss something like this with their friends.
    No man on this planet would go to a prostitute if they knew how to attract a girl at their whim.
    Either you are really good looking and women come to you for sex or the man has to develop the skill to be successful with them.
    IF neither is the case, you still want to have sex.
    And there we have the reason to go to a prostitute. Which is still bad for almost everyone involved.
    Sardonic likes this.
  17. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    glad we agree. Have a nice day man.
  18. dhakagirlsbd

    dhakagirlsbd New Fapstronaut

    No, I think it is not good to try something in place of masturbation.
  19. Again I think whatever someone likes is ok. It’s not judging one over the other. It’s important to find the causes of ones troubles and get out of them. I had a prostitute that was super nice. I don’t do this anymore but don’t judge it either.
  20. davidx

    davidx Fapstronaut

    I Never paid for sex. I was drunk one night in Vegas and driving (I know I shouldn’t drink and drive I don’t anymore -this was a long time ago when I really didn’t give a shit about anything) I saw one of the hottest sexiest WOW looking prostitutes ever walking down the street - she was HOTT!! I was actually going to ask her how much but when I was driving towards her someone else pulled in front of me and she leaned into the window to negotiate terms. That was the only time I ever seriously thought about it but right after that I thought I wouldn’t have done anything and started laughing then I thought I Don’t know why the hell anyone would pay for sex when there are so many HOTT women out there willing to give up sex for free. (Especially in Vegas) anyway I wouldn’t recommend paying for sex but that’s just me.