Paid sex prostitutes addiction or consequence of P.O.M

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Age 42, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Age 42

    Age 42 Fapstronaut

    I don't know if the two things are related, prostitutes have always been a problem for me, both financially and in terms of security. For a while, I tried to avoid porn by going with prostitutes. sex with the prostitute and then when I got home I watched porn and sometimes the opposite happened I don't know if frequenting prostitutes has become an addiction even though I have the urge but I manage to resisting porn seems to have more impact, I would never have believed that a video could be more addictive than a real sexual relationship. Having reached the ripe old age of 42 I don't know who I am what I am and what I will become without these addictions at the moment I feel very fragile, less than before but still recovering.
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