PA here, trying to quit and save my marriage

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by vapid, May 1, 2019.

  1. vapid

    vapid Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, I'm a 37-year old male and I have been a PA for the most of my life. I've been exposed to it since I was very young and discovered my dad's P-stash in our basement.

    I grew up thinking P was a good thing, but that I had to hide it because it was not a socially acceptable thing to show to others. I've seen P as a part of my life that I could not imagine leaving behind.

    I've had one previous relationship ruined by my PA and my marriage now is in danger of ending because of my uncontrollable urge to consume P.

    I've been discovered to consume P by my wife multiple times and I have always promised her that I will quit P, but I always fail to do so, having gone to relapsing after a few days. I got better and better at hiding, but she would always find out one way or another, or because I was careless at covering my tracks. Each discovery results in a lot of pain for her, and even though I feel remorse and regret over what I have done to hurt her, I always relapse and try to find how to be better at hiding it from her.

    I want to end this cycle and reclaim my life and rebuild my relationship with my wife and family. I want to be free from guilt and take control of my life again. This is the first time I'm joining a community like this and I hope I can find the support to overcome this. Thanks for reading this and I hope we all can work together to freedom of this addiction.​
    Laine Meyers, CC., Tao Jones and 6 others like this.
  2. Welcome to the community.
    vapid likes this.
  3. Florida Freedom

    Florida Freedom Fapstronaut

    You have my prayers and support. Our wives are worth fighting for! Stay strong
    His Wife, Chymeoaac and vapid like this.
  4. vapid

    vapid Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone for your kind messages. I feel like being able to share what I'm going through with people who understand will help a lot in my journey to recovery.
    Chymeoaac likes this.
  5. Dr. Mario

    Dr. Mario Fapstronaut

    This is a fantastic reason to work on your addiction. Welcome to the community! I can't emphasize enough how much you need some good accountability friends in this. Your resolve is going to wane, and when you turn back into Mr Hyde, you need a friend who's willing to stand between you and porn and wrestle you to the ground.
  6. vapid

    vapid Fapstronaut

    It's almost like I feel like I'm a different person when I get tempted to look at P. I know I can beat it, and when I'm with my wife, I can't even think of why I wanted to go back to porn in the first place. But whenever I'm alone, that's when I switch over and give in to the temptation to look. I hate it and it makes me feel ashamed of myself.
  7. The first step! Welcome.
    Keep thinking and reading so as to find your path through this. I always recommend the Success Stories forum for inspiration and tips..
  8. Dr. Mario

    Dr. Mario Fapstronaut

    The enemy wants to win as much as you do. Why attack you in your strong place? Temptation is gonna come more when you're more likely to give in.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  9. Maybe we should divide 'me' a little. I have competing elements within me. I even had the experience today of feeling fine, but a little boredom led me to start thinking about the things I don't even want anymore. Crazy.
    I accept this situation.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  10. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome! NoFap is a great place to read and learn and find a community of like-minded folks..all trying to kick the PM'ing habit/addiction -- and then deal with all the negative fallout of porn's devastating affect on our SO's (and on us).

    I encourage you to start a journal..and write in it daily.

    Find an accountability partner (or 2 or 3).

    Read, read, read! There are so many great articles and YouTube videos all about porn and Recovery from PA.

    The forum about Rebooting in a Relationship is a great resource to read about other PA's and other SO's struggling through the long journey of recovery.

    I am glad you are here. You are among friends; we are all walking this difficult path together.
    SirErnest likes this.
  11. vapid

    vapid Fapstronaut

    Thanks for that! I've been reading the different discussions here and I am blown away about how many people have the same problems and experiences as I do.

    I have always thought that my craving for porn has nothing to do with who my partner was, or my level of attraction to her, but she sees my condition as something that is related to me being "too horny" or me being a pervert. I tried to explain to her that me watching porn has nothing to do with her but that it has been something I've been struggling with for most of my life.

    I was ashamed to admit it to anybody which led me to lead two different lives: the decent, morally upright me, seen by my family and friends, and the monster that I have been trying to hide. My wife has discovered the monster in me and we have been struggling to keep things together despite my repeated relapses. This is the first time I'm actually seeking out others like me who want to stop and so far I have been greatly inspired by all the stuff I've been reading.

    My wife does not know I am here and I'm still afraid to let her know that. All I tell her is that I have stopped porn altogether since our last D-day, which was about a month ago, but I have been relapsing day after day after day. But I'm proud to say that I have gone without PM for the past week (wish me luck).

    I've had a few instances of getting ED or DE and we suspected it to be PIED and that triggered her anxiety and brought back all the bad memories of my past mistakes. I really want to kick this habit and get my life back on track.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  12. Dr. Mario

    Dr. Mario Fapstronaut

    On the one hand, it sounds like your wife doesn't understand the male sex drive at all.
    On the other hand, you're making things a lot harder for yourself than they have to be, by being dishonest with her. She knows you're lying, she just doesn't know how much. And because she knows you're lying, she's having to fill in the blanks on "how much". Be transparent with her, so that instead of hiding from her, she can help you.
    ...Of course, she needs to help you, not just shame you. Which is where her being educated about male sex drive comes in.

    At least, that's what it seems like from what you posted. Maybe I read into it too much.
  13. djdcgc4

    djdcgc4 Fapstronaut

    Vapid I think it is so awesome your humbled effort to try and save your marriage! As you know I’m on the other side of this battle. My best advice is to turn to your wife not away from her. Kiss her 15 seconds everyday, call her in the afternoon and tell her you needed to hear her voice, take care of her needs sexually, put her first in every way.

    My partner does all of the above. Though our sex life is struggling due to PA I know without a doubt this man loves me. All of me. I don’t view his addiction as a problem with myself, or my looks. I did a little at first because I was struggling with my own insecurities. When I brought up my insecurities about my weight he encouraged me everyday to exercise. He praised me a million times a day and he ran/walked with me. This is why it took me so long to see the the PA because he has never for a single second failed to follow through with his word.

    If you make this your effort everyday your wife will know even in the unknown, the fear, anger, temptation, that she will never find a man who loves her more. When a woman feels loved beyond anything she has ever dreamed she will love you that way in return. This makes it hard for her to turn away and makes it easier to understand your battle.

    I hope this helps in some way. Keep your eye on your wife! Good luck :)
    vapid likes this.
  14. Badvock

    Badvock Fapstronaut

    I'm at the start of my journey so I may not be the best person to offer any such please take what I say as completely amateur.

    I think you need to open up to your wife, tell her that you are here, it will show that you are trying to change and come to terms with your addiction. One piece of advice that always sticks with me is that when you have an argument with your partner, remember always that it is not you Vs should be both of you Vs the problem. You are in a relationship...not a competition, you don't get points for being first. I've learned from experience and my current predicament that 'not' talking about things and opening up to those you love is never going to solve your problems, if you love each other you can work through it.
    vapid, TryingHard2Change and djdcgc4 like this.
  15. Good for you bro, yeah we share some of the same backstory and I can’t say enough good for the community here. It really is opening my eyes.

    Already some good posts here. I would say that you know your wife and the situation. You may be operating by fear to a degree but it’s ok.

    I’ve been here for only a couple weeks but I have never Had the results like I have been having. I’m not jinxing anything but I know my AP has really helped. Having counsel from non-judging ppl has helped, not having to defend yourself but instead just say how you think in a journal has helped organize the thoughts.

    This is where I’ve come for healing— and so much of how we respond to stress is dictated by our emotion or trauma, I hope you can sense this is huge step just sharing online.

    You got this man.
    vapid, djdcgc4 and TryingHard2Change like this.
  16. vapid

    vapid Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone for your inspiring words! I was able to get through last week without any PM. I guess that's a great start of this journey of mine to recovery! I hope everyone was able to make progress! :)
    TryingHard2Change likes this.
  17. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    YES! That IS a great start...keep going / make a decision NOW what you are going to do when you feel that strong draw back to porn..have a plan and reach out for support when you need to.


    It looks like our counters are aligned. Let's see if we can get 10 days up to 100 days. We can do it.
    vapid likes this.
  18. JPDrive

    JPDrive Fapstronaut

    I am also new to NoFap. In a similar situation. I’d like to follow your story. Very sympathetic.
    vapid likes this.
  19. vapid

    vapid Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap. You will find lot's of friendly people here who share our stories. Good luck on your journey!
  20. vapid

    vapid Fapstronaut

    Today has been pretty normal. The missus and I spent the day working on our scale models and we both had a great time. No urges today, probably because I wasn't thinking about it due to me being busy with other more important stuff. I hope you guys had a great day!
    TryingHard2Change likes this.