Oasis of Peace

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ZenYogi, Oct 24, 2022.

What drives you most towards sobriety from PMO?

  1. I want to live a better life without this addiction weighing me down

  2. It’s a religious abstinence for me

  3. It takes up all my time and energy I want my health back

  4. I don’t want to die knowing I lived my whole life doing nothing but PMO never having lived at all

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  1. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Om I’m so tired I don’t like it

    gonna sleep earlier tonight. I’ve been making 11pm happen so I’m after 1030 tonight.

    And I’ll sleep with the darkening blinds on. So I can get really really well rested to train on Saturday. Not gonna let this week go by without going to the dojo at least once for mma class

    pretty sure I’m gaining muscle. Stopped weighing myself it was making me overheat maybe?

    Going to just drink a protein shake with creatine. Those amino acids and bulking powder were kind of overkill for me.

    im doing great with Loki. I haven’t found a second god that I’m good in ranked with though. Maybe Vamana could work.

    I think I met someone who dropped 20 grand $ on smite. Kinda made me wanna not talk to ppl for a while on here heh
  2. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Snooze -_-zZz

  3. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Just that

    sleeping pill at 830 kinks me out konks me out. Can’t stay up later than 1030pm now

    Superb :)

    such a nice easy fix

    Oh man

    sheesh . Om where to start. I slept with the window open. Bad idea. Now I’ve got this cough. Omm zero inquiries on my pt profile that’s all bad. I was a hit in my area but now I’m pursuing a new state I got zero inquiries. Awful

    So I edited my profile to highlight the affordability of therapy with me. Without using all caps haha.

    Hope this works.

    I think there are just a lot fewer clients in this more rural state I’m working in. The city I live nearby has so many people there’s plenty of clients to go around.

    I’m not excusing myself I think I can still make it. But being a male therapist is tough. We get less clients cause people just tend towards wanting a female therapist statistically.

    well I’ll try to make it happen somehow…
  4. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    I tried a little push day today but my allergies or cold whatever are too brutal.

    I can’t even exercise well right now. It’s best I just walk and sit about. Drink lots of water and eat well too.

    Ah what a drag. But oh well. It’s nice to see myself actually resting to recover from illness and damage. So I can recover better.

    I walked a tiny bit and same with some Muay Thai forms. Just holding myself up on the dip bars was really tiring so I laid off the training for today. Hope I can get it tomorrow or at least by Wednesday

    man there’s no time to go hit the dojo. What the heck?

    good news is I put up 40x5 on dips last week and feeling big

    it’s nice

    maybe more Muay forms
  5. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    I tried a little push day today but my allergies or cold whatever are too brutal.

    I can’t even exercise well right now. It’s best I just walk and sit about. Drink lots of water and eat well too.

    Ah shoulder hurts from soccer. Will do shoulder therapy beforehand if I play again.

    We’re just waiting on the HVAC to fix. Seems like it’s a legitimate problem. Not a scam like the landlord was concerned about. Honestly I think the LL worries too much sometimes but who knows. He’s obviously getting stuff done well so it works for him.

    idk I’m just like the iMac isn’t working call them it’s fine. He’s like asked me to watch them. So….im here watching them make sure they aren’t being shady. It doesn’t look shady so far. So. I guess it’s fine.

    just hanging out here on the balcony with the hvac guys.

    man hope I get more clients soon or I’m gonna need to find a new company that can help me out and I can use my license from the city where there’s more business.

    esp for a male therapist it seems.
  6. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    I got faith it’ll come through and I’ll make an honest living at this job I’m at now.
    We got this.

  7. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut


    I’m praying to get the best job for me at the best time for me.

    I’m still on this grind I guess but like. It’s…..gone so slow I don’t know if I’ll make it at this company here.

    Maybe I can find some nice company with a sign on bonus in the city for me. That treats me well and gets me good business.

    maybe I can even keep some old clients who knows.


    so I’m just checking in on the emails and applying on indeed maybe every other day.

    even everyday. It’s not much time or effort really. I’d like to land a lot of jobs and pick between at least three offers. And this time I want more money, a sign on bonus or fully telehealth.

    I guess staying with Jane would be ideal though. She already gives me telehealth and is nice to me. The pays good if I ever get any clients.

    it’s hard right now having no clients. Really hard

    literally I have like maybe two a week. I need about 20 to make rent and 35 to make a good living. This is rough I anticipated a whole lot more activity. The jobs just barely moving right now it’s glacial.

    idk what the founders thinks
    Joseph Campbell likes this.
  8. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut


    cold or allergies whatever

    not comfy

    blew out so much mucus today
    Coughed out yellow stuff yesterday
    Today only which stuff that’s good
    It’ll go away soon
    I am healthy
    I am healthy
    I am healthy
    Keep affirming

    oh man

    I still got stronger that’s good

    Im doing chin-ups rows and curls for pull day

    hope it develops my last enough
  9. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut



    out of it

    shouldn’t have done more than one chinup yesterday. That was foolish to do double my schedule training and sleep past 11

    This cold has been botgersome but I amazingly still did a lot of dips.

    kinda wish I had a bench press
    That’s okay tho
    Dang I got a job rundown tomorrow.
    one pm
    That’s for the best I’m all sniffly and gross today. Hope it clears up more by tomorrow. I’ll honestly probably still work legs if my rack comes today
  10. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    No training today
    Don’t be too tough for your own good.
    You’ll rest have two sessions that’ll be it.

    Homo sapien. likes this.
  11. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut


    Today I realized. My job helps keep me sane. Talking to people. Being a good enough therapist. It keeps my mind in order. Keeps me sharp and more driven. I just start to fall off slowly but surely when I don't really have any responsibility. It starts to lose meaning.

    Guess my mom sees that and it's part of why she doesn't just give me money. heh.

    I wonder if I could work two jobs. And why I've been so tired and out of it.

    I wonder if it's even a good thing for me to train mma or I should just stay home and exercise. If I'll ever have enough energy to handle MMA even a day or two a week and maintain my three days of strength training.

    I miss my energy. I shouldn't have done a double day yesterday. No more double days of any kind again. Just one thing per day with 2-3 rest days. Ideally 3 rest days really.

    But then if I have 3 rest days.....4 days on. That only leaves one day for mma.

    That's not much.

    I could do just 2 days strength 2 days MMA. That could work. One day upper the other lower. mhm
  12. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut


    my gym looks lovely .

    it’s no beginner gym here. This is slothys gym!!!

    it has barbell squat and deadlift setup. I have a folding 1000 lb capacity bench in my cart on zon right now. I’m not buying yet though. Kind of…need some money. But business is getting going which is good. :)

    yeah once I get my bench in here it’ll be looking good. Real good.

    Thats the full powerlifting setup.
  13. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut


    Oh gosh. I slept 14 hours last night. I'm still beat tired. NTS don't workout same body part two days in a row unless it's to grease the groove. Otherwise it can strain a lil.

    Awe my cat came and sat on my lap for a bit that was nice. I got up and sang for a while in the shower. That was kind of nice. Just nice to do something positive.

    Saturday Tuesday Thursday. Meetup days.

    Cool I guess everythings done. Slept a ton. Got my work progress moving. Just hanging in there to get some money. Shoot.

    I'm gonna have to sell like all my stocks right now just to make rent. Hope they're up lol.

    Either that or sell my nice gaming PC but I don't wanna part ways with that.


    Yeah gonna keep hanging in there.

    aw damn the markets beeing going down esp on NVDIA.

    Oh well that's too bad shoulda sold earlier but it's still in the green i suppose. hmph.

    Alright so I sold like everything but 100$ of VFIAX.

    Basically I have no stock anymore but I'll have money to pay the rent and I think I netted about $400 from my venture into stocks the past two months.

    I'll take that right on!

    Also screw buying individual stocks lol. I'm gonna start buying only mutual funds, buy and hold. But I want some diversity in the level of risk the funds are taking.

    two safe and two medium. :)

    That'd be great. Also I'm selling my Wii for $110 right now.

    Just scrounging that money to pay the rent. heh.


    Gotta hang in there care bear.

    Things are looking up for me financially and I'm going to have some good income. Hopefully seeing my first small paycheck April 30th.

    Then actually making enough money to pay living expenses as of May 30th. Then I can save and start investing in mutual funds again in June :) I hope...

    I'll try to save a lot of cash for paying taxes and stuff. Only invest about I dunno 25% of my savings into stocks and leave the 75% for living expenses and paying taxes I think.
  14. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    feeling pretty bleh
    Hope that improves soon
    just need to go drink Kefir
    Eat homecooked brown rice.
    I'll be alright
    Joseph Campbell and Homo sapien. like this.
  15. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut


    I may actually post my youtube channel here. I think I hit 3k views. I don't wanna check it though , I try to take breaks.


    Dang I've been unduly tired for a while. This cold really beat me up I guess. I hit 170 lbs if I'm not mistaken. Could weigh myself again soon.

    I'm tracking my total meals per day. Which means. I had 4 meals yesterday. That's good. I'm trying to cook and eat more fresh food too less frozen.

    I'm sorry for my writing style not having paragraphs and subject headers and closers and transitions for each paragraph. I know it's just kind of a sentence or three. Then an open line rinse and repeat. My cat's so darn persistent. He refused to back down till he got on my desk even though I deterred him multiple times.

    He's had a limp I need to call to fix that up. Poor thing I'll call now.
    Alright I got it done.

    I can't stand the front desk guy Keith. He's the worst. I hate that guy heh. Well. He's the one I have to deal with to get my medications and vet visits setup for Meowy so that's what it is. Such nicer people who are equally or more competent could've been hired for the job though. I wish that would happen.

    I don't need why an antagonizing desk person need work there tbh.

    Oh well.

    Psych today said the best way to deal with annoying people or experiences. Is to have a strong negative reaction to it. Then let it go. So that's what I just did without swearing. It's, ... swearings no good for me.

    Bleh I guess I can try to kill him with kindness. Pain in the butt that it is. It does work. It does.

    I used to get really mad at the receptionist at my dental office. So I just kept trying to hold my anger back and kill her with kindness. Months later we're all good and she's my favorite person to handle front desk things with.

    I'm gonna try to do it with Keith too. Hard as it is. It's what's right for me to do. Even if it's a lot more give on my side than take to start. I won't give up.

    Thoughts of revenge surge through the mind
    Listening to LoFi helps me unwind
    I know what's right to do in my heart
    The excess feeling can come out like a fart
    This two inch Buddha a good reminder
    To be more righteous like a cats purr
    Without the Zazen in the morning
    Without the prayer
    I'm not mourning
    I'll still be a Slayer
    Of the sins and evils of the world
    My philosophy I've hurled
    At a sticky situation
    Much to my elation
    The grinds paid off, time and again
    With or without my precious Zen
    I'll fight on as a spiritual warrior
    That I may I pour peace into a world of war
  16. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    I’m sad without my partner here. Next time I’ll maybe go for…no it was the right choice not to go. I’ve been coughing up phlegm all day still.

    just got to keep riding it out.

    Haven’t had an illness persist for two weeks like this before. Guess something gross got me when I left the window open that one night. I’ve heard of older people doing the same and getting pneumonia. So I guess this isn’t so bad.

    Dang leg day was exhausting. Idk what I can do now to recover well. Just sleep early and try to make it quality sleep.

    Honestly I feel less lonely when I’m watching BAKI than playing games with people I don’t know. Maybe I try to talk on mic now we’ll see
    Homo sapien. likes this.
  17. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut


    I don’t feel so hot right now. I have been worried about money. I had dreams that I lost my home and partner due to being too poor.

    All I could think about was wanting to get back to her.
  18. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    I have $150 worth of stuff I can return today to Amazon. Then I can apply for snap. I just want to sleep really. Rest. Sleep off this cold. Talk to job 1 and open up my hours on evenings m-w to get a few more clients. Even three weekly clients would be huge. That would be enough to make ends meet.

    let’s go for that.

    Hope my cats open to some couch naps today. That’s pretty much my MO.

    I’d like to go to the dojo later this week. Like tomorrow. That’ll cost me $150 for the month.

    I can do that.

    just one month.

    I don’t know anything else I can do aside from just studying the training manual for job 2.

    I’m hustling out here grinding for some therapy gains.

    gonna update my profile on psychology today.

    just give it my best shot. Sleeping with the door opens best. Keeps it cooler. Cat will wake me up by curling up in a ball leaning on my face at six AM. That’s fine. Off work at six in bed at ten. That’s no problem. Even in bed at 930. That’d be good.

    I think I can I think I can I think I can

    I am getting better everyday in every way.
  19. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Just gonna post a link to my youtube channel here as an experiment and see how it goes. Hey I hit like 3800 views today awesome!

    If I get even one subscriber from NoFap.com I will put my youtube link in my nofap signature on here


    ^That's my channel^
  20. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut



    it’s 945. I’m sleepy and want to hit the hay. Soon huh?

    felt great getting up at 630 today. I’ll sleep with my door open for cool air and get up before seven again.


    lost my taste for games after this long cold. Just been back into my roots of anime and mma videos