Nootropics and bettering oneself

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Henryforward, Jul 11, 2020.

  1. So I had done a fair bit of research a couple years ago in the field of trying various smart drugs or nootropics.
    I never really did get into them apart from the odd dabbing of Adderal or Ritalin but they are more for abuse than for actually trying to feed the brain.
    Anyhow I got a supplement today with L-Theanine in it and I felt like my mind was really alert and it felt like I was performing well. I still feel very alert.
    I ended up doing a fair bit of writing which is something I need to do more of I have more creative energy anyhow with Nofap progressing each day.

    Do any of you guy have experience with Nootropics and if so what was your experience?
  2. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    I've been wanting to try theanine but with lock down I can't really test it's effects. It's supposed to be in green tea, but I've tried high quality green tea, for around 40 days, and had no effects, but that could have been because of the caffeine. Tyrosine and 5-htp are two others that are supposed to work. I've had okay results with magnesium, sleeping a little better, and also having dreams almost every night, which I rarely had for years.
    Henryforward likes this.
  3. Yea man I've begun taking tablets daily I think I can notice a bit more clarity even more so than just nofap on its own. I also take a few other vitamins and supplements. Yea I've been taking magnesium too really helps plateu moods and makes for better sleep I believe it helps me to act a little more rationally most of the time.
    Also just found a jar of 5htp so taking that last few days. Yep well we might as well make the most of this new lease on life!
  4. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito Fapstronaut

    I used theanine and tyrosine, from Thorne which is top of the line. They don't work. It's all placebo.

    Even with one gram of theanine on an empty stomach I felt nothing. I also tried it with food, with and without hcl, and at different times of day, and multiple times per day. People online try to explain this away by pointing out the subtlety of it's effects. Screw subtlety, caffeine isn't subtle, and it's not even subtle any way, it's nothing at all.

    The promises of tyrosine aren't as hyped up, some people say it helps you cope with mental stress, but most of the studies are based around physical stress. It's worthless.
    Henryforward likes this.
  5. I was beginning to question the effectiveness I took theanine and some others for about a month and stopped taking them maybr two weeks ago I don't feel any worse for stopping. It's a lot of money for questionable results.
  6. Nagos

    Nagos Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    L-Tyrosine definitely works for me. Better you take N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosin because it can pass the blood brain barrier producing more dopamine, but check if you're on medication.
    L-Theanine has a mild effect for me. But I think this depends on your metabolism. Some people take GABA for sleeping purpouses I get nightmares and bad dreams of it. Doesn't mean it's not working for other people, with a different metabolism.
    Henryforward likes this.
  7. Hmm interesting I've just been looking at tyrosine. What are some of the positives you've noticed? And have you noticed insomnia or anything from it? Yea I didn't like gaba much either. Theanine has a mild calming effect I think.
  8. Nagos

    Nagos Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    L-Tyrosine is an amino acid which is needed for dopamine production. In right amounts it will give you euphoria, focus, motivation to get stuff done, that's the reason it's in many pre-workout boosters. I highly prefer N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosin as it's more potent. You have to be careful with this, because you can take too much, also it interferes with some medications, especially some antidepressants. I've never taken more than 250mg. Too much dopamine can cause restlessness, anxiety, similar side-effects to caffeine. I can't remember any insomnia but I've normally taken it in the morning or afternoon, wouldn't recommend to take it in the evening. It all depends on the dosage and timing.
    Henryforward likes this.