NoFap Team Appreciation Day

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Administrator Account, Aug 2, 2018.

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  1. I'm throwing a little informal and unplanned “Team Appreciation Day” to give everybody a chance to thank the team members who keep this platform online and running smoothly.

    If you appreciate the team, please let them know in this thread. If you don’t appreciate the team, you really should consider it. Many of them put forth a great amount of effort for little personal gain. Many of them are volunteers who spend a lot of time keeping things running smoothly on a daily/weekly basis. Much of what they do is repetative, relatively thankless, and some of the malicious people that they have to deal can really be a drag.

    Also, feel free to bring up specific examples of interactions that you’ve had with team members, or features of the website or corresponding software that you really appreciate.

    It can be to the entire team at once. It can be a moderator. It can be a programmer. It can be somebody who you don't know the name of but who did "that thing" on the website. It can be a moderator assistant. It can be anyone. Let's take this opportunity to share some thanks.

    My Thank You
    Without further ado, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every team member for making this website possible. Without your work, NoFap would not be able to be viable to stay online in its current form, a form that proves to be the most useful for recovering porn addicts and has made NoFap one of the most supportive addiction recovery websites online. Although the day-to-day can be anything from frustrating to mundane, the work that you do is incredibly important and you’re having a positive effect on individuals and a ripple effect on society as a whole.

    Note - don't thank me:
    This is not a thread where I would like people to express thanks to me. Out of all of the team members, I probably get the most “thank yous” given that I am the most public face of the organization. I appreciate the thought but please keep this thread about the other members of the team.
  2. Keeping this slot reserved to share some personal thank yous.

    Things that get done:

    - Responding to many questions and inquiries per day
    - Recategorizing peoples miscategorized threads
    - Manually removing spam that makes it past the spam filter
    - Manually approving non-spam that mistakenly gets put into the spam filter
    - Marketing tasks
    - Legal tasks
    - Programming
    - Fixing broken stuff on the site
    - Fixing the server
    - Fighting off malicious attacks and hardening the security of the website
    - Mediating interpersonal disputes between users
    - Graphic design
    - Web design
    - Writing
    - Editing
    - Social media
    - Filming
    - Video editing
    - Animation
    - Other moderation tasks
    - Developing new features and concepts
    - Bookkeeping
    - Financial accounting and governmental filings

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    Thank you, Mods, for always putting up with my questions. And thanks to everyone who report things or otherwise alert us about situations. Otherwise, this place would be chaotic.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  4. I really respect their efforts and hard work. Actually, their hard work is commendable. I have great respect for all the members of the team. I want to thank you, sir.This platform is saving so many lives.#GreatCommunity #GreatTeamMembers:):):)
  5. Amen, i think its great what you guys do. It must be a mess dealing with all the reports and questions, removing loads of spam, and fixing all the things that need fixing. Thanks a lot guys, i think you're doing a great job (most of you anyway). I appreciate it.
  6. wally_s

    wally_s Fapstronaut

    Thank you, everybody, for all that you do!
  7. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    I want to say THANK YOU to the whole team! I've only interacted with a few of you (all great interactions, by the way!), but all of you do such amazing work in keeping this site going. NoFap, to me, is an oasis in the middle of a desert. I've learned more about myself in the three or so months I've been on NoFap than ever before and I'll be 51 in 10 days.

    So, from the bottom of my heart: Thank you for you hard work and commitment and for making this all possible! :)
  8. BStrait57

    BStrait57 Fapstronaut

    Thank you mods and admins!! Seriously, you all are doing an incredible work for the good of our culture, and I am confident that many people have had their lives positively changed forever because of what you do.

    No matter how small your individual contribution seems, it is significant!
  9. Trevelyan357

    Trevelyan357 Fapstronaut

    I honestly haven't had too many dealings with any of the moderators here. But as someone who works in a job that is repetitive, thankless, and deals with nasty are definitely appreciated!
  10. Thank you for setting up this amazing place where people can share their experiences! A special thanks to GhostWriter (i dont know if hes a staff member or not but) for helping me!
  11. Thank you everyone envolved to make this forum works, without you I would be still in darkness.
  12. Jinkazama

    Jinkazama Banned

    My balls Tend to Explode
    But Thanksgiving Moderators for keeping me a No fapper.
  13. Dank24

    Dank24 Fapstronaut

    To each and every one of the Nofap community I want to express my sincere thanks for helping me to change my life in a better and positive way.
    I take this opportunity to thank also @fercho29 for your valuable contributions to the Spanish-speaking community

    Muchas gracias,

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  14. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

    Merci beaucoup !
    Nice job guys !
  15. WanderTruth

    WanderTruth Fapstronaut

    Thank you, Nofap is a great network which helps me to overcome my biggest challenge... I hope we all get there, the true recovery
  16. Mr. Stark

    Mr. Stark Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Thank you everyone... For all that you do. You do a great job!
    Lots many thanks.
  17. Thanks to the Moderators for keeping this great forum up and running.
    Keep up the good work :)
  18. spaces

    spaces Fapstronaut

    Thank you for all your hard work on keeping the site going . I found nofap 50 days earlier and never looked back . Truly thank you !!!
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