newO, New here.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by newO, May 12, 2015.

  1. newO

    newO New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys - I'm a 20 year old that has come to the conclusion that I have porn-induced ED. I've suspected for quite a while, but I woke up to my girlfriend wanting to have sex with me this morning, and while it was a pleasant experience, it was very hard to get it up and I could only think about my porn and fetishes the entire time. Upon reflection, most of the time I have sex with her (which is growing more infrequent) I think about my porn, because its difficult to get aroused otherwise.

    The tragedy is that my girlfriend is absolutely beautiful, and she doesn't deserve to be treated this way. Thankfully it hasn't really impacted our relationship too much, but I've decided that I still need this to change. I'm going to be gone for 10 weeks this summer on an internship, and I'm not going to see her at all. That will make it pretty difficult to abstain, and at the moment, I'm having a really hard time deciding whether or not I should delete all of my porn that I've built up and saved over the years. I'm really quite attached to it now.

    Any advice for someone starting out would be much appreciated. Should I attempt to abstain from MO the entire summer? I think I could possibly do it, but as someone who also works hard to control their weight, I know that I am susceptible to relapse.
  2. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Bro, I guarantee that if you abstain from porn and masturbation for the whole summer, the sex you'll have with your gf in ten weeks will be the best sex you've ever had and she will get much more pleasure from it as well.

    But to do that, you gotta really commit. Quitting such an addictive habit is not easy, but the rewards are more than worth it. The first step is deleting that porn collection.
  3. newO

    newO New Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I think you're right. Although its very difficult to bring myself to do it, its only been a few hours since I joined the site, and I feel a strong urge to do it again. I think I'll definitely be able to make it through today, but keeping it up? It may be hard. Do most people here keep journals? Would you recommend keeping one?
  4. newO

    newO New Fapstronaut

    Just to update you, I've deleted my porn collection. Thankfully, my organization over the years made the process take about 6 seconds hahahaha. I feel pretty good at the moment - I know I won't regret it in the long run.
    Caveat Emptor likes this.
  5. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. I really helps you hold yourself accountable. It doesn't really matter what you write, as long as you write something. And as you rack up days, you can go back to it for motivation.

    Edit: Step 1 complete! Step 2 I guess would be choosing what to do with all the free time you'll have now that you aren't fapping.