Newb looking for accountability partner

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Krispy_pg, May 14, 2015.

  1. Krispy_pg

    Krispy_pg Fapstronaut

    Hi. I'm new to the community. I've been told that having a sponsor or accountability friend makes a huge difference. Anyone out there willing to point me in the right direction to finding someone that can help me out? Thank! Best of luck reaching your goals.
    DannyCool likes this.
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    I would be happy to do this.
  3. Krispy_pg

    Krispy_pg Fapstronaut

    Awesome. Thanks DannyCool. Congrats on accomplishing your goal, and hitting one hundred days. So I'm at about two weeks PMO free, but I definitely "edged" today and looked at some soft core stuff online. I thought I'd reset the counter to 0 just to be honest with myself.
    DannyCool likes this.
  4. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    It was kinda mad cause I have not looked for an accountability partner yet and I have been on the site for around 4 months and today I was interested in looking for one and then you posted this cool post about self respect and all and I thought oh ya this would be a good AP and then you were looking for one. How cool is that?
    Yes that is honest of you cause you won't succeed if you edge. Are you going for hard mode?
  5. Krispy_pg

    Krispy_pg Fapstronaut

    Wow, that is crazy. Glad that worked out! But yeah, I'm going for hard mode. What's the best way to hold each other accountable? Do we just keep a thread going? Ha
    DannyCool likes this.
  6. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Tell each other good jokes. :p. We can just relax and the time will fly past. Any other ideas? I am doing a journal too so we can talk on there as well if you like or you can start one too? What do you think? I am from Ireland. :p

    Tiger Woods was in Ireland recently and he stopped at a petrol station in his BMW. While he was at the checkout he took two tees out of his pocket by accident while looking for change. The Paddy Irish man behind the counter asked "Wat r Doze For?". Tiger Woods said they are for putting my balls on! Then Paddy said "Gee the BMWs think of everything nowadays".
  7. Nithin Adarsh

    Nithin Adarsh Fapstronaut

  8. Krispy_pg

    Krispy_pg Fapstronaut

    I hear Ireland is beautiful! I'm from the U.S., but I'll be taking a trip to Europe later this summer. Hopefully I'll make it through the UK and Ireland.

    Haha I like the Tiger Woods joke! Do you golf? You'll be the first to know of any good jokes I hear. I'll be sure to check out your journal. How can I find that? As for ideas - I guess we'll just talk and shoot the breeze of the most part. I'll tell you if I'm "edging", or if I'm have an emergency, or if I relapse.