New to this and only very recently realised what a problem I had

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by yorgs, May 8, 2015.

  1. yorgs

    yorgs New Fapstronaut

    Hey all, thanks for letting me join your group. I've been pretty much a daily consumer of internet porn for around 15 years. I'm in a fairly new relationship with an amazing woman (3 months) . Very recently I was quite honest with my partner about how much porn I watch and also that I was aware that it has skewed my ideas on what women should look like and blurred my thoughts and feelings on sex in general. This has caused great insecurity within her, we now have fairly big trust issues and are on the verge of breaking up. If we do break up it will be a very sad loss as we have fallen for each other quite quickly.

    So ...... If my addiction to porn is going to be the demise of a potentially amazing relationship, I thought, I better do something about this and start to change my behaviour.

    Here I am, very new and a bit naive as to the difficulties i may face along the way but am feeling very enthusiastic and excited the more I research and read about the benefits of ending this rotten little piece of my life.
    zippytime likes this.
  2. zippytime

    zippytime Fapstronaut

    Good luck. Well done for seeking help rather than burying your head in PMO.

    There are a great many ways to help yourself through this. But most of all read the forums. Try to find stuff you identify with and see of what worked for that person works for you.

    It's toxic as I'm sure you know. But ridding yourself of it can be a positive journey if you open your mind to the benefits you can experience along the way.
  3. yorgs

    yorgs New Fapstronaut


    Thank you for your kind words
  4. NeverQuit22

    NeverQuit22 Fapstronaut

    Good luck man. Hope you and your gal make it. Remember to take it day by day and realize that recovery is not linear. I hope you can overcome this. Were all rooting for you!