[New Member] Introduction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by MikeTheMonsta, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. MikeTheMonsta

    MikeTheMonsta New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. I caused a great a deal of personal trouble to myself and now I'm here trying to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    I started talking to this girl a few weeks ago and I really like her(I'll call her angela). We have so many common interests and we are both pretty attractive. I'm not dating her but I bought her a necklace and I really want to come see her in ohio and she likes me too. But I've always had this feeling of submission whenever it comes to girls asking to talk dirty or send nudes. Yesterday, I talked to this other girl(I'll call her stacy) who is the polar opposite of me on politics and I was teasing her about it. Then she started talking about how she works out too, that she can wrestle, and that she is pretty dominant. I really like dominant women since I have a submissive side that is strong with me and whenever I hear someone talk like that I just spiral deeper into more submissive feelings. It was at this point I started jacking off while messaging Stacy which made it even worse. She threatened halfway through the conversation to send screenshot to Angela if I didn't give her something that I wanted. Now before this I hadn't really said anything bad even though I was turned on so I said no I'm not participating in blackmail. But then she apologized and said she was just joking or whatever. I should've just stopped talking to her then but I was still interested in this dominant side so I said it's ok. Then we started talking about politics again but somehow got to talking about wrestling and sex. Then she said she wanted to see me and what'd she do. Then she asked for a nude and said she was gonna rub herself all night to it. So I sent it.

    The second I sent it she replied with "hahaha wow you are so stupid" and sent the nude and the conversation to her friends which mocked me. It turns out one of her guy friends asked her to get me to send her a nude to humiliate me because I'm on the right side of the political spectrum. Fortunately, my wits had returned to me after cumming and I came up with a way to get out of this mess (literally and figuratively) I put myself in. I gambled and responded with "I knew this the entire time. She isn't sly. You basically sent your female friend to help jerk me off. Thanks I guess buddy. I'm not embarrassed about my dick or my dirty talk. Post anything you want." He backed down, I got everyone to delete all the screenshots, and they apologized profusely. Luckily, nobody had told angela this so I could tell her myself. Which I did. Somehow, she still likes me, doesn't think it's a big deal since we aren't official yet, and still wants me to come see her. Her only condition was that I "Calm my young self" (I'm 2 years younger than her). I dodged an enormous bullet as this could've ended extraordinarily worse.

    So which brings me to here. Before all this, I always jerked off to a certain kind of porn almost everyday multiple times a day. I had thought something like this might be my dream. I almost destroyed an amazing relationship with a girl I really like over some fantasy that wasn't nearly as satisfying as I thought it would be. So my goal is to go cold turkey with no fapping ever again and gain a greater resistance to situations like these.

    Also idk how this community is but if you're going to call me an idiot or that I don't deserve angela, I already know this you don't need to tell me. Oh and here's a picture of me.

    Attached Files:

  2. Struggle Bug

    Struggle Bug Fapstronaut

    Hey man, thanks for sharing your story :) First maybe you should stop sending nudes to other people you don't completely trust over text or the internet, and hey, no judgement here, I've done stuff like that as well and learned from it. It's great you took this step in bettering yourself, you have a lot of people here who have done the same thing as you did and are doing better now. Welcome and I hope you find this community helpful :)

    Btw you look great ;)
    MikeTheMonsta likes this.
  3. MikeTheMonsta

    MikeTheMonsta New Fapstronaut

    Wow thanks man. I was hoping I wasn't the only one whose done this. Thanks for not being too harsh on me too. This community doesn't seem so bad :) I workout everyday, I'm a hardworker, I'm pretty much sorted except for this one area. I hope this site will help me and become a stronger person to pornography.