New Hobby Plans

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Tigerdude, Apr 14, 2024.

  1. Tigerdude

    Tigerdude Fapstronaut

    With ending a porn and masturbating habit, there comes self improvement. For me, right now self- improvement comes in two forms.

    One is obviously recovering from porn and masturbating. The other is no longer using my laptop 24/7. I'm 52 days into my 90-day period, so my method is working.

    And that's not just to quit porn. I want to have a girlfriend so much, and being on a laptop 24/7 would get on her nerves so all in all, it's the best thing to do.

    And when I move to a new place and because I live in a more rural area, I'd like to start a new hobby: raising donkeys.

    Probably not the first thing you think of as a hobby, especially for a modern 22 year old.

    Basically, it's something I think would keep me busy. And that's the beauty of giving up all that laptop time. It makes one open to doing stuff like that.
    kropo82 likes this.
  2. LongSault

    LongSault Fapstronaut

    I would never have thought of raising donkeys as a hobby, but if you're really passionate about it, then why not? I say go for it, once you've gotten the proper training and have done the necessary research. My current hobby is photography; it's expensive and VERY exhaustive, but I love it very much. It has really introduced me to my city in ways that I would have never been able to do before, so I'm very grateful to have gotten into it.
    Tigerdude likes this.