New here, time to quit

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by FaplessHero, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. FaplessHero

    FaplessHero New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone. Glad to be here with you. I am proud of every single person who chooses to embark on this journey. It isn't easy accepting that we have a problem, and it's even more difficult changing it. But we're doing it. One day at a time.

    So, about me. NoFap has helped me turn my life around. Prior to quitting porn I had been fapping 1-2x per day, every day without fail. From the day I discovered my dick to the day I discovered NoFap, about a decade, fapping was my center. Porn was how I chilled out after a tough day (and most days were pretty tough). It was the one thing I could rely on to give me some semblance of pleasure. It was my constant companion and the only thing that I could really trust. It would not betray me, it would not hurt me. It was there to make me happy whenever I needed it.

    Imagine my surprise when I discovered YBOP. Suddenly I saw the truth of how drastically porn had been damaging my life. How much it was taking from me. It wasn't just this loving entity giving me pleasure for free. Every fap came with a price, and it was a price I never understood. So, for the first time I did my best to quit. It wasn't easy, but I slowly worked my way down from 1-2x per day to 1-2x per week. Sometimes I even went a week or two without fapping. I wasn't ready to give it up entirely, but I was ready to start.

    Just toning it down from ~14x per week to 1-2x gave me so much more energy, so much more strength. I had the courage necessary to quit MMORPGs and get back into the real world. I got a job and started making money. I gave my computer away to rid myself of temptation. I started going to the gym 5 days per week, and have since lost 100lbs of fat and put on 20lbs of muscle. I moved out of an abusive household and started living my life for me. But I'm not stopping there. If this is the sort of progress I could make by cutting down on fapping, I want to know how I can grow by cutting it out entirely. I'm ready to see the person I am completely without porn and without masturbation. I'm ready to be the man I am.