My Introduction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by determinedk, May 30, 2013.

  1. determinedk

    determinedk New Fapstronaut

    I would really like to be free of this problem. My first experience with it was when I was 13, I am 21 now. At the time I didn't think anything was wrong with it. If anything, at the time I found it exciting. Over time though I went through the typical stages without realizing it at the time. "Mild" things no longer made me as excited as I used to. Quite rapidly my tastes morphed into something that I don't consider to be my own, and honestly frighten me somewhat. They are not anything dangerous, but things that simply are not realistic in terms of reality.

    I have been to periodically for years, I've tried nofap on reddit, I've been to other sites that are supposed to help people break free of this addiction, and now I feel that this is the last site or community I will join before I manage this problem. Over time I have had periods where I have gone over a month without any issues, but I have somehow always been lured back in.

    I am an addict and I am here to heal myself, as well as to help others.
  2. burnedandcrashed

    burnedandcrashed Fapstronaut

    Good luck. God bless. May the force be with you.
  3. martin

    martin Fapstronaut

    Same here, hope to help you!