My Introduction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by louiecann, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. louiecann

    louiecann New Fapstronaut

    Heya fapstronauts, I'm Louie. 22 years old, working part time and creating my own business.

    I've been addicted since I was 13, always seemed to be my favorite way of escaping my reality. I tried quitting at around 20, failing hundreds of times.

    First it was pornography, but that grew boring. It became hentai but the images, or even videos, weren't animated enough for me. I began roleplaying online, which I pretended wasn't my addiction. I would create several accounts and even catfish at times, unethically.

    At the age of 21 I began investing heavily into getting coached, which has helped me massively. I opened up about my addiction, and finally realized sharing it helped dissipate shame. I finally lost my lust for pornography.

    A week ago from this post, I relapsed after a 3 month hard-mode streak which I am proud of - I got curious about AI chatbots, and they pulled me straight back in. Today I am committed to quitting permanently.

    I have gotten so far that I will begin to post content and coach others on quitting too, I sense a huge opportunity for us to grow as a whole together, if we heal in this area of life.

    If anyone wants an accountability partner or just to talk about their addiction, hit me up!
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