My Introduction - A Bit Nervous but Hopeful

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by OkayBenji, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. OkayBenji

    OkayBenji Fapstronaut

    Hello all!

    Unsure really how to format this, but I'll start by saying I'm 19 years old and I'm a full-time college student majoring in Computer Science.

    As for what to say next, well, I'll say that I started watching porn and masturbating at around the age of 12. It started out as softcore pornography but it soon got worse. From Middle School up until High School, honestly, I want to say I was fine with pornography.

    I mean, I never went on Pornhub at all much less any hardcore porn sites until I got to high school. For awhile, my only form of content was suggestive YouTube videos and images from suggestive anime (not even hentai). Mostly because I was scared of diving off the deep end.

    But, I wouldn't be here posting this message if I hadn't gotten off the deep end. As we know, the 2020 pandemic was a thing and to say it screwed me up badly is an absolute understatement.

    I started masturbating excessively and pornography became a part of my daily life. My grades started to slip even though I was a perfect A+ student throughout my life up until that point.

    Of course, there were other factors at play, but pornography and excessive masturbation were definitely at play.

    Since then, I've managed to keep my grades up and get into a college that I'm honestly happy with. Last year, I started to take NoFap seriously. My best streak was 2 months and I managed to beat No Nut November for the first time ever! Now, I'm here because as while the steps I've been making are amazing, I'm ready to rip the bandaid off and start taking NoFap TRULY seriously. I'm ready to finally be rid of this vice that has been screwing up my life for so long.

    I have the rest of college ahead of me and a lot of goals I want (and because positive affirmation is a thing I believe in - WILL) to achieve. Like finally improving my grades back to something I'm proud of, becoming an academic weapon, getting a girlfriend and start dating, and beating this god-forsaken addiction once and for all.

    On the topic of goals, what are my goals for NoFap?

    • Find an Accountability Partner
    • Go without PMO for 90 days straight before I turn 20.
    • Get rid of my Triggers and rewire my brain.
    • Build and cement new habits that will replace the time I consume pornography.
    • Be free of this vice and live the life I want to live.

    I might need to work on this list as some of them might over lap, but there's my list!

    Also damn, I realized that I wrote a lot.

    Anyway, despite all my setbacks, I'm still hopeful. I've been reading up on neuroplasticity, this community, and other different techniques to help me. I'm finally ready and I'm filled with determination.

    Also, if any of you guys want to talk about stuff in general, here's some stuff about me...
    • Very big nerd, with a love for coding and writing
    • Big into D&D, Vampire: The Masquerade, and other tabletops
    • Love Video Games (Baldur's Gate 3 and Potionomics being a big favorite rn)
    • Love Anime
    • Getting into Art and Exercise
    Also, I am looking for an accountability partner! Which I posted another thread about. Lmk if I should link it.

    Anyway, that's about it so... arrivederci for now friends!
    Unica Semper Avis likes this.
  2. Great plans and views! Thanks for sharing and all the best for your journey!
    OkayBenji likes this.
  3. OkayBenji

    OkayBenji Fapstronaut

    Thank you friend! Much appreciated!