My Improvements and What Needs Work

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Sondae, Dec 12, 2022.

  1. Sondae

    Sondae Fapstronaut

    My self-improvement journey has taken a bit of a set-back this year, so I wanted to post a thread discussing where I've lost myself and what I've been able to fix.


    - Porn Addiction
    - Bad performance
    - Gaining weight
    - Bad mental health
    - Poor hygiene
    - Lack of motivation
    - Falling behind on hobbies


    Porn Addiction: Although I am struggling to cut it out completely, I have significantly reduced my PMO. I have also deleted my porn folder and deactivated my fake social media accounts dedicated to finding porn.
    Performance: I have noticed significant improvement in my performance with my girlfriend. Although I have not been able to orgasm again, my erections are lasting longer, and I am noticing more pleasure and focus during sexual activities. I have also noticed an increasing desire for my girlfriend.
    Mental Health: Although it is not perfect by any measure, I have certainly become happier than I was before. Just the fact that I am working to improve myself is an indication of how far my mental health has come in the past month.
    Motivation: I would say I am much more motivated than I am before. I think I have my bad days and I have my very good days, but I have been a bit more productive than usual.

    Where I Need Work:

    Weight: I have gained over 15 pounds this year. This is coming off of a 60-pound weight loss over quarantine, so now I am at about a 45-pound difference. I need to lose weight. I need to change my diet. I have to work on that.
    Hygiene: I think my hygiene is the biggest thing that I lost during this long streak of depression. I do not shower a lot anymore, I do not take proper skin care techniques, and I am just all-around lacking on my self-care. The first step would be to shower more often. I feel like that is the best way to get back into it.
    Hobbies: I have been trying to get back into music, but I am failing. I recently released a new cover, which kind of flopped, but otherwise I have done nothing. I tried to get into reading. I finished one book, but it took me the entire summer. I am on my second book right now, and I am only reading once every two weeks. I have also stopped cooking. I used to cook everyday last year, but now I haven't in months. I bought a bike rack so I could go biking, yet I haven't gone. I need to work on getting motivated to engage with my hobbies more often.

    That pretty much gives you an idea of where I need work and what has worked for me. I plan on using this as a reference for the future. There will be more threads to follow discussing my self-improvement journey!
  2. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Dope profile pic brev, I go back to that npr set from time to time... Rest easy macadelic.

    Sounds like you've got a great grasp on where you are. Best of luck as you continue to grow and work through the rest of your list.
    Sondae likes this.
  3. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    I love the way you wrote down your post. I wish you the best of success on your improvement points for this new year! Btw, I really struggle with personal hygiene too, you're not alone if that's of any comfort.
    Sondae likes this.