Monk mode

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. I posted this as a message on some thread and thought I'd share it with everyone

    "Well the fluids in both men and women are made in our body's from our blood, our semen is made from our blood it's like a few good cups of blood (as well as breast milk), that is why we feel so exhausted after sex [men mostly because we release a lot of it, it may seem like a little]. It is the source of your vigor and life force and beauty. The Ancients from both East and West always taught sexual transmutation. They called it Elixir of life or Virya. For women is Vitrioluz. Excessive release of these fluids will suddenly cause your old age to jump upon you, When you get older you should be avoiding this at all cost, it is the cause of many diseases and pain we suffer, balding and bad breath out of control hormones bad mental health and the list goes on and on. Semen also originates from our consciousness (from the brain and travels down the spine) There is a good reason we feel like crap afterwards, we give up a great deal of our life force for a moment of short lived pleasure."

    Also I found this guy on YouTube that blew my mind this guy has a really good outlook on life and is pro NoFap. the advice and genuine nature of this guy's advice is unreal.