Long time fapper looking toward recovery

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by pmorecovery, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. pmorecovery

    pmorecovery Fapstronaut

    Hi, everyone. I don't remember where I heard about NoFap, but it was pretty recent, and came at the right time. I'm a long time fapper, about 30 years now (started early with the Sears catalog). I didn't notice a problem until my early 20's, during my first relationship that lasted more than a year. About a year into that relationship, I just lost interest in sex with my girlfriend. In retrospect, I guess it wasn't that sudden, there was a gradual decline in my sexual arousal with her. In the 15 or so years since then, I've had a few long term relationship that followed the same pattern. The pattern has always been the same...I lose interest around a year in, and the woman puts up with me for a year or more with no sex, and then decides she needs to move on. Heh...I've had girlfriends that openly wondered if maybe I was gay, and my feeling has always been that I wish THAT was my problem (I don't mean being gay is a problem, but if simply coming out of the closet was all I needed to do, I feel like it would be easier).

    I recently celebrated my third anniversary with my current girlfriend. I don't think we've even attempted sex for at least 18 months. I love her, and when she stopped ignoring the elephant in the room, I agreed to get help. That was about 6 months ago. I knew my problem was PMO, but I would openly only admit to depression. So I saw a therapist, and for the first time in my life revealed my addiction to PMO to another human being. 3 weeks ago, after my therapist basically said, "This is going nowhere, you need to tell your girlfriend", I finally disclosed my problem to my girlfriend. I knew she wouldn't freak out about it, she enjoys porn (though she likes the storyline, not my ten second clips on a million sites on the internet). I had a fantasy that telling her would make me feel accountable and I'd stop cold turkey. Next day, PMO, then shame and self-hatred.

    So I took my therapist's other advice. Attend SAA meetings. After my first meeting, I went on an 8 day streak of no PMO. Almost no urges, it was easy, and I felt great. I had more energy, I got things done around the house, got more exercise outside the house. Those 8 days were easy, and then one morning I woke up with a powerful urge for PMO. The day after my second meeting, I decided to look at porn, but not masturbate. That led to edging. By evening I had given in to PMO. I went on a week long binge (well, almost a week and a half at this point).

    Yesterday was the worst. I wasted 2 hours on PMO and felt darker and more ashamed than ever. I spent the first half of the day in my right mind, and was sure I wouldn't give in. When the other part of me kicked in, I didn't even fight it. Same thing today, I simply gave in to PM. Before the O, though, something happened that very rarely happens. I guess part of it was overstimulation, but I got bored. I usually just keep going when that happens. In this case, my right mind poked its head in, and rather than ignore it, I simply closed all my browser windows, reopened Firefox, and looked for NoFap.org.

    So I'm here. I've read some posts, watched some videos at yourbrainonporn, and I feel more inspired than ever. I look forward to participating in the group!
  2. Ulick Myers

    Ulick Myers Fapstronaut

    Hi there and thanks for sharing your story. The internet may have given us free and easy access to porn but it's also provided us with a space to discuss our deepest problems in a safe and non-judgmental atmosphere. That is one of the lessons I've learned since I joined here just yesterday.

    Your experiences of trying to kick the PMO habit are very similar to my own. I generally find that I can give up PMO fairly easily for a week or a little more. Initially, I feel good and have more energy etc. But then I start to get irresistible urges. I start edging and I keep telling myself that is ok, it's not really masturbation if I don't orgasm. But the dam will eventually burst and I end up looking at porn and masturbating again. The relapse can be severe and for a few days I will masturbate more frequently than normal. In fact, I went through all this experience a little over two weeks ago in another failed attempt to deal with this problem.

    Now that I am armed with the knowledge from yourbrainonporn.com and I have a better understanding of the nature of my problem and how it ties in with brain circuits, erectile dysfunction and so forth, I feel in a much stronger position to deal with my PMO habit.