Let's Discuss Important Supplements

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, May 30, 2023.

  1. First of all, I understand – and everyone else should, too – that we're only sharing nonprofessional thoughts and opinions.

    I'm in my mid-30s and p/m/o has drained me (no pun intended) of my life force over the years. I know that it's probable at this point that I'm deficient in several vitamins and minerals as a result of my addiction as well as inadequate care of myself. My hormone and neurotransmitter levels are more than likely imbalanced to some greater or lesser degree.

    I'm wondering if there are any widely known about deficiencies that can be or are caused by years of excessive use of porn and the frequent indulgence in masturbation (including edging). Has anyone done blood tests to confirm their own suspicions?

    Currently, I take:
    • emulsified fish oil
    • adrenal support (adaptogens)
    • Vitamin D3 assay
    • 100 Billion CFU probiotics
    I have a feeling like I need to start taking a good daily multivitamin and/or B Complex. Beyond that, there are probably several others I need to consider and research but am unsure about where to look or start.

    What's your experience? What are you taking and why?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2023
  2. sam1234x

    sam1234x Fapstronaut

    You should change your refined oil to wooden pressed oil (sarso ka oil) it have omega 3 and omega 6 and satured and unsaturated fats easily digestable and will improve your digestive system or other woodpressed oil in your area.

    start eating raw vegetables or salad all vitamin deficience are covered in eating raw food no doctor tell this things because they want to earn money by selling the pills

    salt you can try rock mountain salt it has all minerals

    start eating honey it is best, but buy pure , raw unheated , no suger cyrup in it

    In my case 4-5 months ago my body was too weak having digestion issues , and the medicine given by doctor were not suitable for me , so i changed this thing in my lifestyle and it helped no suppliment needed.
  3. Fallensoldier1

    Fallensoldier1 Fapstronaut

    Yes sir I’m all for this.

    You can most definitely go to your doctor and request a vitamin level test and certain minerals to see what your levels are at. Honestly the sky is the limit on what to take. But like mentioned, changing your diet is huge. More leafy greens, and less refined sugar.

    I would definitely add a zinc supplement.

    I have taken many others such as Maca root and ashwaghanda. Vitamin C, and definitely a good magnesium supplement. Green tea is also very beneficial. But you do have to be careful too as some of these can also make you more horny. Depending on where your located, since it’s warm out currently, spending more time outside is great, and vitamin d pills may not be needed.
  4. @Sushmal Thank you for the suggestions. I'm somewhat confident that my intake of healthy omegas is suitable but it won't hurt if I take a look into that oil you mentioned regardless. I already use a good quality salt and expensive, raw honey. My digestion is generally fine now but I always had problems with it before, even since childhood. Do you find that p/m/o exacerbates your digestive issues?

    @Fallensoldier1 While I eat basically zero refined sugar, I'm not exactly consuming leafy greens... at all. I need to change that. Out of curiosity, why are you "definitely" advocating for taking zinc and magnesium? I've seen these two brought up on different forums addressing p/m/o related issues but rarely in sufficient detail. I already take Ashwaghanda. By the way, research is now suggesting that it's safe to take up to 10,000 IU of Vitamin D(3) daily and it's not nearly possible to get that from the sun.
  5. sam1234x

    sam1234x Fapstronaut

    In my case pmo caused Ibs-c (c for constipation) i have suffered badly from it my body weight now is 45kg but in my NoFap journey of 5+ months with some relapse my digestion is improving I am on medication but NoFap is playing important role
  6. sam1234x

    sam1234x Fapstronaut

    Don't believe this research from now on because according to them daily masturbation is safe, u can take supplements but try taking natural source, and there is no need of vitamin d suppliments if you are out in sunlight for 1-2 hrs
  7. How confident are you that p/m/o caused your IBS-C? I've had similar suspicions in the past but my digestive issues are better now.
  8. sam1234x

    sam1234x Fapstronaut

    Because when I masturbate I have extreme digestive problems for 3 days and when I am on NoFap my digestive system gets better.