Introduction - Hello :)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by HealthyLiving, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. HealthyLiving

    HealthyLiving New Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I am a 25 yo male. My issue and reason for joining this site is that I have struggled with a sexting addiction with a woman who is a fair bit older than me; I also struggle with temptations to visit massage parlours (I have visited these a few times in the past but I have more struggled with the actual temptation rather than the physical act of going).

    In regards to the sexting addiction I find it hard to go past a week at the moment. My usual triggers present themselves on the weekends. I am fairly disciplined in life apart from this habit. I have been trying to stop for about 6 months. My aim is to not speak at all to this woman as there is no potential for anything else there.

    I suffer a great deal of shame with this addiction and am also seeing a therapist about it (amongst other things). He seems to see no issue with it as it is a normal thing to do in response to my urges but it is something I want to overcome. The longest stretch I've managed without the habit is about 6 weeks.

    I am open to having an accountability partner if anyone is open to it.
    Mbopi and Jefe Rojo like this.