Impact of AI

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by GhostRider@11, Mar 31, 2024.

  1. GhostRider@11

    GhostRider@11 Fapstronaut

    AI is good for growth of science, growth of nations, growth of companies and even humanity. But is it good for individuals, what will be its impact on job market, we already have such high unemployement, what will be the condition after we achieve AGI.

    In long term it will have a positive impact on everyone, maybe after 30 or 40 years. But only those can enjoy this benefit who are able to survive this transition, that too after suffering of atleast 10 years. I can't think of anything that humans can do once AI starts competing with them. Even if humans are better than AI on some aspects, companies will still adopt AI since they don't need to pay them salaries, they can simply improve the AI with that extra money.

    I know some might say that we had industrial revolution and other revolutions, and everytime humans found something that they can do. That's true, earlier focus was on physical strength, machines came, humans moved to mental calculative work, then computers came, humans still found space in software and hardware development sector cause even though computers were good at doing calculative work, they weren't capable of understanding few things at which humans were particularly good.

    But now, AI is made to replace humans in this sector, some might say that humans will shift to AI development sector, but that's not possible, cause when we talk about deep learning etc, we are indirectly creating a digit brain, every code is trying to mimic human brain, like the basic unit neurons etc. So, ofcourse AI can create itself better than human. They can work 24/7 and don't get bored or they don't even need salaries etc.

    For the first time in history humans are not resource, but a liability due to additional costs as compared to AI. We already lost physical work, mental work, even creative work. Generative AI is good at almost all creative work. Recently, google's deepmind AI founded more than 700 new materials, which would had taken approximately 800 years for humans to do at their current speed. AI is good at doing research.
    Even though they can't completely remove humans, but certainly the number of people required will drastically reduce. A task which took a team of 40 people can now be easily done by a single person guiding multiple AI bots, and still he will be faster than average.

    I guess sooner or later humans will move toward universal basic income, or we will definitely find other work areas, but the problem is only the transition time period. And coincidently, this is the same time, when dollar is about to collapse, fed is trying its best to keep interest rates high, but they are at their ends, sooner or later they will have to reduce them or global economy will go into recession. Already many countries currencies collapsed because of less dollar liquidity, dollar is international currency, so when they were not able to get dollar at less rates, they were forced to take it at high rates, causing their currencies exchange value to collapse. We are at the edge of a global economic crisis. fed knows that once they reduce the interest rate, they will never be able to increase them back again.

    Maybe spirituality maybe a sector where humans are good, or we have already lost spiritual sense. Whatever be the case, even if this is the new sector, it will take time to develop.

    When people have less salaries or no jobs, they will spend less, which will reduce the profit earned by companies because there is no one to buy their products, which will further force them to remove people or reduce salaries, taking us all into a global recession. Who will do the work if they remove people - AI.
    What's the way out, currency printing - but we already talked that fed is trying to avoid it, and now we are still being forced due to this second reason. But even if they print money, it will only be a slow death, it will lead to hyper inflation. US government has already decided to save economy instead of dollar, that's why they approved 11 bitcoin ETF in a single day. If the dollar collapses, the next global currency will be yuan or bricks currency. But USA is damn fixed on "If I can't control the money market, then no one else can". USA will bring bitcoin, I know they dont control it, but atleast it is not controlled by anyone else. It's better than using a financial system with china, russia or some other country at top.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024