im too tired with my life

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by ImPujimori13, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. ImPujimori13

    ImPujimori13 Fapstronaut

    In the dark room, on this bed, I pour out my heart, feeling deeply disappointed and hopeless about myself. I feel weak, wicked, degraded, and damaged. Shame, anger, disappointment, sadness—these are the feelings that constantly haunt me. Not a day goes by without them. I admit that pornography addiction is like a demon stealing my joy, my own peace. I feel lost, like I'm a failure. It's as if I've sacrificed my happiness, self-confidence, and self-worth only for a five-minute pleasure. Does God see me, see His broken child? How much longer must I endure this? I want to heal, I want to be free. I want to break free from this shame and the cycle of this demon that has enslaved me since I was 16, and now I'm 25. I want to fight, but I'm human, I forget, I'm foolish
    Lazarus_O and HenryforwardV2 like this.
  2. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Diez paz (filipenses 4:6,7)

    Amigo te comprendo ...he pasado x eso recientemente... Oye el enemigo solo nos quiere destruidos....
    ¿Pero sabes? Ya probé con dejar de luchar, y abusar de mi hasta el cansancio y aún así siente un mejor esforzarse y luchar....
    Tuve familia pero la perdí con el COVID19/ tengo casi 4 años soltero ...Se q Dios me ayudara a su debido tiempo a conseguir pareja...
  3. ImPujimori13

    ImPujimori13 Fapstronaut

    Hello, my friend. Thank you for your words; they are very important to me, as I am prone to forgetfulness even though I have read those verses many times. I must fight this time and learn from my mistakes. And I'm sorry for what happened to your family. I hope you can find your happiness my friend, and may God bless you
    thisIsthelastDay and Abel100% like this.
  4. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Acá estoy para animarnos unos a otros...
  5. 500Phoenix500

    500Phoenix500 New Fapstronaut

    Hi ImpujiMori,

    First of all I want to tell you how important I think it is that you share your feelings over here. While there are many succes stories here, we must by no means ignore how extremely difficult the journey is that you are on right now. I can remember that I have felt the same feelings that you are describing here many times.

    You should not berate yourself for the pain you feel, since it takes great spiritual strength to overcome this dark place, and this path is not for the spiritual weak.

    I think that God does see you. Do not run away from your feelings of brokenness. Dare to embrace them, to have compassion for these feelings. God often meets us in the midst of our pain when we decide to descend into the midst of our brokenness.

    You are only 25 years old, so you are only at the start of your life. Be patient with yourself. One day in you life you will look back to these dark period, and you will realize how strong your heart has become by enduring it.
    Khri$$ Javan likes this.