I'm starting to become ashamed of this community

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 16, 2019.

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  1. I am very happy with NoFap and the fact that there is free speech and people. I have rarely met any offense and not hate against women, it's 90% of sharing and helping. I am very happy I started this on NoFap, I have made a 5 Dollar donation. The last time I gave a donation, was many years ago (to Wikipedia and I regret it), just so you can see how important this is to me.
    I don't think sperm is giving super-powers, but it's up to each and everyone to have an opinion. Just like people who believe that there is ET in Area51.
    But hey, you don't like it, so just move on.
    You don't have to join the SJWs and try to close it.
  2. I didn't see any of it here.
    Porn addiction is mostly a man thing, does it surprise you that you meet mostly men here?
    You're sick of trying to change this place?
    You can only change yourself. Just as Michael Jackson said: "I'm starting with the man in the mirror, I'm asking him to make a change".
  3. I'm not going to argue about what's worse between sexism and racism. Women used to be treated as property, legally able to be raped by their husbands and treated as property their husbands own. I don't personally see how that's much different than being a slave. But it's not really fair of either of us to declare one or the other better or worse. They're both bad, and we agree on that, so that's what matters.

    Yeah, that's definitely a big part of the problem. I remember from being a mod myself. Everything is extremely subjective, and nobody can ever agree on what should be taken down and what shouldnt. I'm really not sure what they can do to fix that, but it is definitely an issue.

    Many people here have said that, and they have not been banned. Unfortunately. Of course they don't flat out say the words "women are only good for sex." (Well, most of them don't at least). But there have been many a post where the overall message is that that's all women are good for. I think maybe mods need to learn how to read between the lines a little bit sometimes.

    Hahaha dont worry, I learned my lesson from last time! ;)
  4. I don't want this site to be blocked, it is great and it helped me a lot. It was offline again today.
  5. If you think I'm trying to "close" nofap, then you clearly didn't read or understand anything I said.

    And as I've said before, just because you haven't noticed a problem, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Well open your eyes, then. Idk what to tell you.

    Also, that was in reference to a thread that isn't up anymore, that you obviously didn't read. So... again, just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Where did I ever say that I'm upset that there's mostly men here? I have zero problems with that. You just obviously have no idea what you're talking about or responding to. It's like you're not even attempting to understand what I'm saying.

    I'm not sexist, and I take sexism seriously. So... there's not much I need to change in that area.

    Dude, NOBODY in this thread is trying to "block" or shut down NoFap. You have no idea what we're even talking about if this is what you think this thread is about.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. You're clearly aggressive, your language is full of swear words, you seem to jump at everybody's throat, you clearly focus on everything that is negative, you get crazy for a like on social media... and you don't need to change much in the sexism area. You seem to be a fine SJW, very woke and who knows where else you are almost perfect.
    Don't expect people to like the way you talk and act. You're clearly the problem.
    And you're blocked. Did not come here for that.
  8. Lol wow. Kay then. Have fun living blind then I guess. I'm obviously not the only person here who has seen this issue, and all I want to do it fix it to make the forum a better place. But if that seems "aggressive" and negative to you, then go ahead and block me. Do whatever you want, dude.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Maybe we all need to stop posting anymore in this thread. It's not productive to anyone at this point. Start something new, indulge with new users who might really need and appreciate our time and effort.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Wow, okay, so you not only managed to dig up something she complained about over a year a go, but it’s 100% not the bloody same at all... are you taking the piss?

    I’m going to take @MuscularSherlockHolmes advice because clearly, you, and everyone else that’s complaining can’t differentiate between anything that’s said in this thread so there’s no point. Cheerio.
  11. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Nobody wants to be officially moderated. It makes people feel angry and want to stop posting. That linked post is an expample if that and the OP wrote it.

    That is why your cries for more moderation are a mistake.

    Also, again some things you guys call sexist are closely tied to established philosophies, so that’s foolish and rude to demean. They are not my thing but I respect people’s right to try for recovery how they want to.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  12. Im aware that it was the OP which is exactly why I mentioned that in the first place, especially since you dug up something old and irrelevant to this current thread.

    As @Castielle even said, there are already rules in this forum against that, so that makes it even worse when people are just allowed to say whatever they want. Things are supposed to change, so any talk defending culture or “philosophies” sexism (or whatever have you) is just an excuse to perpetuate toxicity.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    @Castielle, am I right that once upon a time you were a moderator here? If it is not an impertinent question, why did you stop?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Which religions are people allowed to follow? How did you get the authority to decide this?
  15. It honestly doesn’t matter where you’re from, what religion you are, or how you were raised, sexism and misogynistic views are never justified as I’ve repeatedly said over and over again. I don’t have anymore to say to you at this point, other than I would rather have moderation than let that run rampant, especially in a place as delicate as this.

    And in terms of who has the authority to decide on what’s allowed, well guess what? That has been and always will be the platform holder, so (as they have already been in place) the rules they make are the ones we follow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2019
  16. SuperPowers

    SuperPowers Fapstronaut

    Looks like my post got deleted for review, I'll appeal that if I have to,

    Has she provided any evidence yet? Use the REPORT button and stop making public complaints, were here to quit PMO

    Because there is not one other person agreeing with her claims, what does that tell you?

  17. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Hol' up... Prostitute is a slur? I totally didn't even know that. Is this like common knowledge or something? Shit, now I wonder if I've used it sometimes. :D
  18. Yes, I was. I really don't mean any offensive, but if I'm being honest, I stopped because it was a freaking mess. The system just isn't working the way it is, and I'm not the only person who used to be a mod who feels this way. Everything is too subjective, and the mods could never agree on what should be handled and what shouldn't, or how it should be handled. I just felt like the team didn't have clear enough instruction on what is or isn't allowed here, because some mods would want to take down every little thing that I, and others, felt was infringing a bit on freedom. But then others would not want to take down anything, because of freedom, even if it pretty obviously broke rules.

    Idk, I just didn't enjoy the whole team dynamic that was in place at that time. And from talking to some other people, it sounds like it's pretty much the same now. To be fair though, I'm really not sure what would be the best solution to fix the problem. Because some of these things are, by nature, kind of subjective. But idk. I feel like when I was a mod, I tried to do things by Alexander's mindset rather than my own, to respect what he's created here. For example, I have zero problems with religious posts, but I would take them down if they were against the rules, because that's my job. But it just didn't seem like the other mods, at least some of them, had that same mindset at all, which was frustrating.

    I'm not trying to diss all of the mods, here. Some of them seem to be good and professional and kind, and following the rules. So I don't want certain people to read this and be offended, thinking I'm talking about them.
  19. I didn't really understand that, personally. Maybe @SanityOverVanity can explain further. I've never heard of a prostitute being offended by being called a prostitute. It's what they are. It's like calling a doctor a doctor.

    It's not really that important, but I was confused about that too.
  20. That's not the same thing at all. Me calling a girl who sent my husband lewd pictures a "slut" is not the same thing as men here talking back and forth with each other through an entire thread about how women are only good for sex. This is just a ridiculous comparison.

    Cries for the moderators to enforce the rules that exist here, are not a mistake. I'm well aware that you think it is, and you're allowed to think that. I completely disagree, obviously, as do many other people here.

    And actually, that thread is a great example of what I'm talking about. If the mods took sexism seriously on this site, and all sexist posts were always removed, then I wouldn't have been pissed about mine being changed. The incredible slap in the face was that MY post, as a woman, calling another woman who I used to be friends with, who send slutty pictures to my husband, knowing he was married, a slut, was deleted, while alllll of the other plethora of posts made by men, about women, that are incredibly offensive and sexist, remained. So if what I was asking for now had been implemented back then, I wouldn't have been so mad in that thread. I wouldn't have even made that thread. I would have thought it was a little silly because I don't personally find it misogynistic to call one woman a slut for doing something provocative, but j would have shrugged and moved on, if all the other sexist posts that were far worse than mine had been taken seriously.

    But what the hell kind of system is it when it takes months, multiple reports, multiple threads calling mods to action, for an actual RAPE recommendation to be taken down... but all it takes is one report of me saying the word "slut" for my comment to be changed. The entire point of that thread I made was exactly the point I'm making here. That this system needs fixing, because those two comments are not even close to being equivalent, and the one that was far far worse took way more effort to get removed. And some other threads that are also far worse than that, still haven't even been removed. So clearly, that highlights a problem in the system.

    Honestly, I'm not sure why you think posting that link to my thread helps prove your point, because it does the exact opposite. The reason I was mad about my posts being removed when I felt it was unfair, was precisely because of all of the vast amounts of posts that are far far worse than mine, not being removed. Which all comes back to the same problem with the system of moderation here.

    So... yeah. You haven't convinced me that this problem doesn't exist and doesn't need to be fixed. Nor have you convinced me that moderation is bad, because it "makes people mad" or something. I wasn't simply mad because my stuff was moderated. I was irritating with the injustice of my mild comments being moderated, while far worse ones that I've reported get deemed "not actionable."

    If sexist people are mad that their comments get deleted by the mod team, and it makes them want to post less, than honestly, I don't really care. I care more about the women who are just existing here, being kind and supportive, not having to see that crap. I care less about the person spreading hatred. That's one of the consequences of spreading hatred. There's a simple solution to not having your posts removed: stop saying sexist stuff. If a guy says a bunch of sexist stuff and it gets deleted, and he doesn't want to post here at all anymore, why should anyone care about that or feel bad about it? He's free to post whatever he wants, as long as it's within the rules of the site, just like everyone else. If he's too butthurt about not being allowed to say sexist stuff, that he decides he has nothing else he wants to add to this community, then he should leave, and if all he was saying was sexist stuff in the first place, then this community will not miss him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2019
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