i'm new

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by iwtim, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. iwtim

    iwtim Fapstronaut

    I am a 17 year old boy, and I started with autoeroticism very early.
    as a child, around 6-8 years of age, I fantasized about my classmates.
    I started masturbating when I was 9 or 10, I don't remember.
    it wasn't anything exaggerated, maybe once a month, then through adolescence (14 years old) once a day, or less.
    I had a girlfriend (I was 16yo), but unfortunately I was never able to make her orgasm.
    this made me very insecure, and I developed an addiction to sexual fantasies with toys and the bondage genre.
    I left her, for other reasons of course, but after that I started masturbating multiple times a day, and that drains me of a lot of time in the day.
    I tried to quit several times, but never for more than 10 days.
    now I want to make a change in my life and regain the self-confidence that I have lost.
    I have no problems with porn sites, I don't watch them, I use my imagination a lot, my problem is with masturbation and fantasies, and the time they takes away from me.
    I have a 2 day streak without masturbation, and aim to be clean for the entire month, and more..
  2. CrazyDude7

    CrazyDude7 Fapstronaut

    Hey dude,
    we share the same problem with masturbation. I have been trying to stop masturbating for almost 3 weeks now and I can say that it is tough.
    Porn is also not a problem for me, but seeing girls on social media (not even naked or sth) makes me wanna fap sometimes.
    So I get what you mean, when you say "fantasies". Here are some tips, which I think are useful for those moments:
    1. Reduce your social media time. Seeing girls dance/twerk/post half naked pictures can make you horny instantly.
    2. Try to be outside your house or do sth with people as much as possible. Anything that distracts you from fapping is helpful.
    3. Feeling the urge is normal. You have to control it. In those situations visit the NoFap forums or/and use the emergency button on the site. Read some success stories - you will see what you become if you fight it.
    4. Remember that lasting for a week or a month doesn't mean that you deserve an award for it. It's easier to fight it after week in than two hours after fapping.
    5. If you fail (and I hope that you won't) don't act defeated and give up. Think of what you did wrong and improve this next time.
    6. Make a note on your phone, in which you write about feelings (and fails if you want). Or talk to somebody (if you have a friend that is going through the same).

    I hope that this is helpful.
    Good luck!
    iwtim and geminibro like this.
  3. iwtim

    iwtim Fapstronaut

    thank you very very much.
    I'll follow your advices.
    you give me hope and I'm motivated rn, it was the first time I talked about it with someone, thank you very much again.