Im a very skinny guy.

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by Ranger-, Jun 10, 2022.

  1. Ranger-

    Ranger- Fapstronaut

    Like I said Im a very skinny guy. With bad posture 178cm and with good posture something like +180cm buuuuuuut I weight 47kg, yes you read right 47kg. Could you please give me tips to gain some weight.
    Dont tell me to eat more I know it already and I eat a lot.
    This body just feels very weak and makes me kinda sad.

    (sry for my english)
    Thx for every comment.
    silex_jedi likes this.
  2. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    non exhaustive list of ideas:
    • go see your doctor to check if you aren't already alright!
    • you say your body is weak so it needs more strength = physical exercice/training/you name it!
    1.88m tall and 58kg so i'm in the skeleton team... i did learn to appreciate my body though...

    you seem very young so be ready to learn a lot on nutrition... unless you already know a lot, but you did not gave us more than "i eat a lot" which if you don't give calories/food energy that does not mean much... i have not a lot of knowledge... this is hard to track how much you eat but i know a few people that do track these kind of things.
    Endermen likes this.
  3. Master Builder

    Master Builder Fapstronaut

    We cant help you if we dont know exactly how much you eat, what you like eating and what kind of relationship you have with food (its a burden, its a pleasure, you dont care, ...)

    4 questions. Answer them and i will give you one or multiple meal plans to follow in order to gain weight gradually without having to stuff yourself, based on the foods you like. This is a structured approach, i dont know if this fits your personality.

    A simpler approach would be: eat 2 bananas extra per day for the next 14 days, weigh yourself every 2 days and if you gain about 0.2kg/ week then you are on the right track.

    For the structured approach…
    You must be prepared to:
    -count and log calories
    -weigh yourself regularly and log it
    -follow a meal plan

    1. What do you eat, exactly, on a consistent basis? Daily? Weekly?Please provide the food, amount and total kcal.

    2. What specific foods and types of food do you like eating? Are you prepared to try new things?

    3. Whats your budget to spend?

    4. What is your goal? Just gaining weight? If you eat more, and dont excercise, you will simply gain fat. So do you want to gain fat or muscle? Are you prepared to do excercises 2-3 times/ week?

    5. Do you need variety or are you okay with eating roughly the same every day for 4/5 meals (for example only vary evening meal)?
    Endermen and JoeinUSA like this.
  4. Ranger-

    Ranger- Fapstronaut

    1. I eat what my mom gives me. (kcal. no idea) I cant calculate my moms food kcal.
    2. Meat. Im ready to try new foods.
    3. daily 2€ maybe
    4. Actually both. Yes Im ready to exercise. Even 5 time a week.
    5. Actually my mom cooks always the same foods. So it doenst matter if I eat same food for long time Im used to it.
    Thx for the help
  5. Ranger-

    Ranger- Fapstronaut

    I dont track how much kcal. I eat per day.
    I only pay attention when I buy food from outside.
    silex_jedi likes this.
  6. Long Range

    Long Range Fapstronaut

    You do sound pretty skinny, but you're only 18 and just haven't filled in yet so try to not worry about it. Its a lot better to be skinny than fat.

    I had a friend in high school who was exactly like yourself at your age. Anyway he filled out and now weighs about 270lbs.

    I wouldn't try to gain weight as you will mostly likely end up putting on fat which is difficult to loose as you get older.

    Instead of trying to gain weight, try to gain muscle and strength by doing weight training or other outdoor activities like hiking and biking. Also, look into ways to naturally increase your T levels(just google it). Don't be afraid of going to the gym btw, people there are friendly and they won't judge you or even notice you. If you don't want to join a gym, start doing pushups, get a chin bar and do lunges/squats.

    Btw, your bone structure will continue to grow until about 21-23 years old. By doing shoulder press exercises it will stimulate growth resulting in wider shoulders which will be good once you fill out.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2022
    silex_jedi likes this.
  7. Ranger-

    Ranger- Fapstronaut

    Im not afraid go to gym I just like calisthenics more but in my city we dont have any calisthenics park.
    So I bought a Power tower. Im doing some workout in a day but its gonna take a long time to gain some muscles.
  8. Master Builder

    Master Builder Fapstronaut

    1. Your mom probably buys the same foods on a weekly basis. Make a list and see how much of those foods you are eating. Then you can use any calculator to get a rough eatimate. Whats important is that you have a value from which to start. From there you adjust kcal based on weekly weight gain.

    2. Great, but i need to know what you eat first.

    3. Since your parents get your food, once you get the ball rolling you will have to make specific demands. If they dont want to buy those products, and you are determined, you might want to get a job. How old r u?

    4. Check out superhero body workout from anthony. Simple but effective. Highly challanging. Buy his 4.0 workout. Its amazing.

    5. Awesome this makes things very easy.
  9. Ranger-

    Ranger- Fapstronaut

    Im 18 and I dont think I can do part time job bc I dont know the language well here. I will repeat this year because lack of my language knowledge I can go to the next class but its gonna be very hard to me. Math ez and eng ez but german is just too hard. I think you understood how bad is my german knowledge.
    Most of the time we eat soups like chicken soup, lentil soup, etc... most of the time with bread. Pretty much we eat too much flour products and vegies.
  10. Master Builder

    Master Builder Fapstronaut

    Brother. You need to EAT and WORK. Plenty of jobs to do where no talking is needed! Dishwashing on weekend evenings (5 hr shifts, 3 days), airport luggage, working in a depot, gardening, ... Get a physical vacation job and eat! You wont get anything you need from soup, you are a GROWING MAN. You need carbs, protein and fats!

    If you do not work and do not eat you will never grow up or become a man at all, the most you will remain skinny or become some fat slob working at a desk once you get your own paycheck.

    This is the perfect moment to jolt in action!
  11. Master Builder

    Master Builder Fapstronaut

    Some cheap, nutrient-dense foods; 500gr cottage cheese, can of mackerel or tuna, oatmeal (crunchy with yoghurt or cooked in water/milk), bananas, apples, fruit juice (1 dose = 2 glasses), whole milk (1 dose = 2 glasses), whole yoghurt (1 dose = 300 ml).

    Eat oatmeal with honey and fruits when you wake up, snack on fruits (2-4 pieces/ day) and tuna/ mackerel. Eat cottage cheese before bed. Eat one big ham and cheese sandwich at lunch (just buy one from the store). And please you must have a decent evening meal. Fuck your moms gay ass soup. Soup is for WOMEN trying to LOSE WEIGHT. You are a growing man! Buy yourself some spaghetti and spaghetti sauce with emmental cheese. Eat 100 gr spaghetti with the sauce and a half bag of cheese. It is CHEAP and take 6 minutes to prepare. That alone is 1000 kcal! If you still dont gain weight, drink 1L of whole milk a day.

    Ask your mom to buy you one portion of these foods for each day of the week and you are good to go.

    All of this will be about 2500-3000 kcal. You will gain about 1kg a week according to my estimate. Excercise 3-5 times a week. Very important or you will just become fat

    I eat these foods. I eat 3400 kcal/ day. It costs me about 70€/ week. If your mom dont wanna pay for your HEALTH, get a weekend or vacation job and pay for it yourself. You are on the brink of STARVATION. If you can afford, buy a multivitamin supplement.
    ImTired- likes this.
  12. Bawa

    Bawa Fapstronaut

    Maybe you have malabsorption.
  13. clan Leader

    clan Leader Fapstronaut

    yoga, running[at one place ] , fasting , thenx video on youtube, only
    get a better protein shake
  14. WhiteLion

    WhiteLion Fapstronaut

    Do you have a primary care physician? Have you asked them about this? What did they say?

    I did a stool bacteria sample, they are not perfect, but they are close enough to give you suggestions about diet changes you can make to improve your gut health. Your problem might not be in the gut, but it might be worth checking.
  15. glaze

    glaze Fapstronaut

    i bet all of my belongings that you are definitely NOT eating a lot.
  16. clan Leader

    clan Leader Fapstronaut

    :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing: im also not eating lot ///
    but u can eat in interval like 1 plate meal 2 hr later 1 plate meal again
    i know it look silly but it works try it

    divide and rule:emoji_grin:
  17. beat_it

    beat_it Fapstronaut

    Eat a lot of fatty foods and engage in as little physical activity as possible.