I want to gain more weight

Discussion in 'Nutrition and Supplements' started by ImFuture, Feb 25, 2022.

  1. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    I'm male, 25 years old. Im 1.70m (5.57 feets) tall and my current weight is 55.5Kg (121 lbs).

    Im going to the gym 5 days a week (not on weekend).

    I didn't use to breakfast, nor get afternoon snack. So since I started gym I began eating triple than I used to eat.

    I've started getting breakfast, 2 eggs & protein shake with cow-milk (mutant mass 3:1 carbs-protein). And some cookies.

    Launch I eat a portion of chicken, or meat. Some salad, I add bread onto it always to get some carbs.
    Dinner exact same.
    Tho not everyday eating chicken & meat, sometimes I only eat pasta, my pasta's plate pretty full.

    Another protein shake after launch before hitting gym. (this time with water)

    And for the afternoon snack (after hitting gym) I eat two eggs with bread, protein shake again with cow-milk & some cookies or nuts, peanuts, almonds, raisins...

    Any advices? My goal is to get to 65 Kg (143lbs) for July, since that's my ideal weight and I have been always struggling with getting more weight. So my goal is to gain 10 Kg (22lbs).
  2. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    Im skinny af but muscular, got no fat on me. (hope it's understand-able, english not my native). So it's hard for me to gain weight.

    I don't have any way on how to count calories, Im not even counting on them. But yes, I plan to mantain on 143lbs once I reach it so will be cutting on that point.
    WildEntheology likes this.
  3. TicLun

    TicLun Fapstronaut

    In the past I've been struggling with gaining weight too but the past 8-9 months I gained somewhat of 14 kilos.
    My 1st and most important tip is to schedule the time you eat and how many calories you eat.


    here I tried to calculate how much you should eat. if you go with 2800 calories a day (thats half a kilo per week so its not a lean bulk but also not dirty bulk) and you divide this number by 5 (times you eat in a day) that leaves you with roughly 560 calories per meal (which is actually pretty easy to eat). So schedule when, how much and what you eat.

    2nd, make sure you write down what you eat (aka track your calories). Download myfitnesspall app on your phone and start tracking your weight and what you eat.

    3rd, eat enough protein and if you're low on calories on some day, don't fill your missing calories with junk food. Trust me, it's better to be 200 calories out of your goal than to eat some icream or cocholate bar with 20 grams of sugars.

    4th and my last, not all calories are the same. 50 grams of carbs from rice is something completely different than 50 grams of carbs from chocolate bar (mainly sugars so bad). same goes for protein from chicken or protein shake is not the same from peanuts (but dont worry, eat peanuts cause they are great for bulking).

    Hope this helped you somehow and stay strong and definitely keep updating your journey.
    EveAng likes this.
  4. EveAng

    EveAng Fapstronaut

    Cool suggestions! Thanks!
  5. Oh man you must have 70kg on your height. Eat and just eat. Use whey and Creatine. Eat good but also don't be afraid to eat little junke food.
    Train deadlifts and squats that will raise your testosterone and will make you eat more.