I really hate nofap success stories

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. Most of them have half the streak i have and the people in them didnt do much to earn it.

    I have done 1000x the self improvement anyone here did. Lifting, cold showers, studying, reading, meditation, practicing instruments, socializing.

    Wanna know what i got? NOTHING. My reward was a tinder girl who on the second date made sure to make it very clear that she despises me without me even having any sort of move on her.

    Im a 25 yo virgin. Success stories are BS. These fuckers just got lucky. Its not about nofap, its not about self improvement, its about luck.

    Success stories should not be a motivatin imho. They are 100% personal. Your drive is to follow whatever personal agendas you have dont let lucky bastards disorient you.
  2. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    I would avoid saying "I have done X more than these people therefore I deserve X". Besides the fact that you don't truly know what they did and what they went through, everyone is different and will have a different outcome.

    In my opinion, you should improve yourself to become better, not because you expect the universe will reward you with a specific thing for doing so.
  3. i know i did more.

    i agree with this, but im just saying, i hate people who thibnk they worked their way to sex when in reality they just got lucky
  4. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    What do you mean by "they got lucky"?
  5. Because he has "tried" the hardest to have sex but gets rejected, it means that anyone else who has had sex or who has sex is "lucky" because you know, apparently this guy is the gatekeeper on how lifting etc doesnt get you laid because he has done it "all".

    In other words he's jealous and that everyone else is lucky.
    Clerk373, Arez01, Protagonist and 6 others like this.
  6. Have you tried scoring a chick in person? Online dating (let alone fucking tinder) is unreliable because women on there, just like you, view hundreds if not thousands of possible partners by just effortlessly flicking the screen which in turn will make them choose people who are even just 1% more attractive than you without hesitation. I'm not saying you're ugly, in fact you probably look like thiccccman George Clooney. I'm just saying there's a lot of competition.
    Boost and henryhill like this.
  7. they were born with decent looks and some girl made it clear she wanted sex
  8. pretty much.
  9. yes, in fact i did that many many times.

    just like in real life. its over if you are not a male model

    how did u deduce this?
  10. Yeah look man I reckon you should just keep trying.

    Bruh, look at this nigga. He legit asked out a multitude of women in a single day and got rejected by nearly all of them (I guarantee most of them were lying about having a boyfriend). The one who said yes turned out to be the hottest one. This guy doesn't look like a "male model". Stop taking this shit so seriously and perhaps even make a game out of it. Do it with mates too if you want lol.
    Bengal_Fighter and RobbyGo36 like this.
  11. this guy is very good looking lol. you are severely bluepilled. he is better looking than most men i have seen andway better looking than me.
  12. AlphaBeard

    AlphaBeard Fapstronaut

    Wow, so much hate in one post, brother. I don't know your story, so I can't judge you, but man, that's some toxic stuff you're saying.

    I feel you. I really do. I totally understand the frustration that you experience. And here's what helped me overcome this sensation (and ultimately manage to get laid, if that's your goal). Stop comparing yourself to others. No matter how hard you try, there will always be others who are more "successful" than you. And yes, they will be more successful having invested less energy in it. That's just how life works. You gotta accept it and stop focusing on it so much. I admire you for the effort you're pulling into this thing. Now all that's left is changing the agenda and focusing on yourself. Build up confidence. Flirt with girls. Go on dates. Do not be afraid to get rejected. Do that and stop comparing yourself with others. Compare yourself with yourself. Are you better than you were yesterday? A week ago? A month? Once you make that your criteria and are always able to answer yes to those questions you can move mountains, brother.

    Peace :)
  13. OP was an idiot, who ended up deleting his account after not receiving the expected response from the community.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2020
  14. Gorgewalker

    Gorgewalker Fapstronaut

    You deserve nothing. Nobody owes you anything. Nobody is coming to save you.

    Check your ego.
  15. im 25 and i only managed to go out with two girls my whole life

    only thing tht matters is being a male model
    Bengal_Fighter likes this.
  16. noone deserves anything tbh.
    Bengal_Fighter likes this.
  17. its not just one
  18. getting laid is super important when you are a 25 yo virgin
  19. @Andhira , I've been reading quite a few of your posts. You have such a toxic view of life, I am unsurprised that you are struggling! Where do you get your ideas from? (That's rhetorical — I don't actually want an answer.)

    Lighten up, man, and listen to what the guys are telling you. I can tell you straight out that far uglier people than I am (and I'm quite ugly) have gotten women. "Ugly me" has had quite a few lovers, some long-term and some short, and a wife, in my life. I know men who are really fat and men who are ugly who have the most loyal wives or girlfriends.

    Although a woman is primarily attracted to looks on a dating app, in real life, she is attracted to a confident, positive, optimistic, passionate and courageous man. When meeting you for the first time, she sizes you up in seconds — not based on your "model-like" looks, but based on how you walk, how you talk, how you hold yourself, how you groom yourself. Are you confident enough to hold your own, know who you are and where you are headed in life, or are you weakly making excuses for your lack of life ("Other people are lucky. I'm ugly. Blah blah bullshit blah").

    You don't have to be successful, as long as you are passionately working towards success; you don't have to be pretty, as long as you look after yourself and have a healthy lifestyle; you don't have to be young or old, as long as you approach women ethically.

    Now, it's absolutely true that luck plays a part. For example, many women are taller than I am (I'm quite short), so that immediately rules out all those tall women who won't even consider dating a short guy. So what? I can go home and go boo hoo, I'm so unlucky, or I can continue to work on myself and be an attractive man through my behaviour and beliefs. My choice.

    Dude, your choice. Continue making excuses if you want. Or lighten up, toughen up, accept who you were, and decide who you are.
  20. i have never seen these magic ugly guys tbh ngl. all i see is women chasing chads

    good looking=onfident, positive, optimistic, passionate and courageous man

    ugly=unconfident, negative, pessimistic, needy