I need your help. New member

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Searching4serenity, May 13, 2015.

  1. Searching4serenity

    Searching4serenity New Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone. New to this site and looking to abstain from PMO. I've been trying to for weeks now. Recently went 20 straight days until last Friday. Then went a few days now today did it twice. I'm feeling depressed again. I need help. I use to pmo everyday. Now I can go days without it but continue to revert back into the same pmo pattern. I hope to find some help.
  2. firdi

    firdi Guest

    You've been successful going without PMO for 20 days and that's a great start. The first time I came here, my longest streak was about 20 days. Staying committed to this forum made me think deep about the reasons for my habit and I've finally managed a fairly successful streak this time. Thanks to the advise and support of fellow fapstronouts here. I suggest you document your journey in the journal sections. It becomes a good way to review the lessons you've learnt and helps those in the same predicament.

    Wishing you the best for your journey.
  3. ruskyline

    ruskyline Fapstronaut

    What firidi said
    I know how hard it is, I almost pmo today too. But it takes a very strong person to not pmo for over 120 days or more. If it was easy to just quite, then almost no one would ever seek professional help or come to this forum.
    I have to say I've been PMO free for about 8 days, so who knows I might make it to 10, but I'll try my very very best to keep the streak going

    Best of luck mate :)
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