I need help !

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by maleget, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. maleget

    maleget Fapstronaut

    I want to create new challenges which include (accountability partner) property to change my life and other peoples lifes . ((I found ACC. partner helped me go 30 days nofap challenge I got alot of motivation when I lose interest and enthusiasim from ACC. partners ))

    Every time I manage to start a workout plan I loose motivation after couple of weeks some times I stop working out completely like know I didnt workout for two weeks . You may say their are alot of communities . I searched but no one of these communities has ((accountability partner)) section like here .

    Second is Studying challenge Or the Yestudy challenge . Because I dropped this semester due to procrastinating to study lessons I took to the day before the exam . -Get really low grads
    Again you will ask me why very optimistic you can find (...) - I searched for this and their is no ((accountability partner)) property

    I need help because My english does not serve me and I want more Ideas to start a such big important challenge that will Improve a lot of People's lives and me and you of course .
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014