I feel losing my mind over this... Please someone help me

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by saddist_adult, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    I was playing a game... Then there's a women mannequin, its ass was right in front of me, i maybe took a glimpse out of fear or intentional, I'm not really sure... I felt like a relapse and my anxiety is killing these days... It has been on my mind all days... I seriously need answer, hopefully i received one today
  2. My opinion:

    I do not think anyone can give you an answer. You will have to decide for yourself if you have relapsed or not. For example: my line to cross if I reacted to it by MO afterwards (no matter how far into M I've gotten, either from touching myself all the way to full blown O).

    You have to sort out if you did it intentionally or not. For me, and me alone, what I am doing is just learning to live with it and not letting it control me: shielding myself from such sightings (malls, video games, real women, etc) is not going to do me any good if I don't control myself. Among I am not actively seeking out porn, then that is a win.

    How long has your streak been? Because my current streak is a little over two weeks, and I feel there are others who can better answer this than I can.
  3. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    Yea i seriously need response but haven't received yet, i made the same posts like days ago... I went to work with anxiety not feeling myself... I fucking hate it
  4. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    Only you can decide if it was a relapse or not... And if it was a relapse then relax, it's not the end of the world. You can continue your NoFap journey.
  5. Your anxiety seems to be getting the better of you. I've noticed a lot of threads by you where you ask things like this. I would seriously recommend you work on your stress levels and overthinking.
  6. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    You can't stop thinking about a mannequin; bro, really. Screenshot_20230504_091903_Brave.jpg
  7. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, let's judge someone for what triggers them in their addiction. That ALWAYS helps things.

    Dude....seriously, if you can't at least try to be helpful or constructive, just don't post!
    Cyan Flame likes this.
  8. I saw the previous posts asking the same question, and each time, felt like I was not experienced enough to answer your question.

    Now that I responded, the quoted statement comes across like my response was disregarded. On top of that, one other person echoed/seconded my response. We're not going to confirm or deny if it is a relapse; it all depends on what boundaries you've defined.

    I agree with @UnholyConfessor as well: there seems to be some anxiety issues going on here, as well some overthinking.

    Also, I agree with @Prophet Harry : even it is a relapse, relax. The only action that has to be taken is to reflect on it, figure out what the trigger is and do better next time. That's what repentance is about: stop sinning by doing better.
    saddist_adult and Prophet Harry like this.
  9. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    The fact that it hard for myself to define as well... Cause the incident was just sneaky, the game i played was watch dog legion, if you play the game u will understand the mannequin i talked about... Also not just the mannequin females or male, there also the Eshop where you buy clothes also shown the upper figure body of women almost looks entire naked but it just sample figured... It messed me so much i barely unable to function to do things or get to work... I can't even enjoy the game now since it triggered me, hopefully anyone could help today, so i can get back to work tomorrow
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2023