I feel disgusted. I need help and advice.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by TaiSar, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. TaiSar

    TaiSar New Fapstronaut

    Hello. Im no stranger to nofap and abstaining from P. I've been doing it for a year now, since i were introduced to it. But i am not mean that my streak is a year long. My longest streak was like 40+ days.

    I relapsed just now. Only one day since last one. I feel disgusted by myself. I feel dirty. I want to wash this dirt from my hands. Yet. I cant.

    What do i do now? I know this is for life. I know, that i am, probably, should even count the days. But what to do? Why is it so? This is getting worse. I am addicted to my phone just like i were never before. I feel like i am in a trap.

    I fucking hate it. I wish i was never exposed to it. I wish I've never had a computer nor phone. I need advice. I am young. I need direction. It will pass?
    FacingmyDemon likes this.
  2. The only thing that you can do is decide to quit again. I have relapsed many many times and even to the point that my streak is only a day right now. What I have learned from all of those relapses is that each time you decide this is it, I'm done with porn; it does get easier to start and keep a streak. I would recommend not only quitting porn but also all forms of social media. They feed our dopamine the same way porn does. You should delete anything that might be triggering you and run away from situations that might get you to turn back. My place I acted out was in the upstairs bathroom, I went in the downstairs one for weeks to keep me from acting out, then that became just a normal place. You will have to do the same on your computer and change up your schedule to disrupt the routine portion of the addiction. Also stay around other people as much as possible. You can't PMO if your sitting in the livingroom with your Mom. It also eliminates the loneliness that leads us to our addiction. I wish you the best and if your a praying person I will also say a prayer for you.
    DayOne44 likes this.
  3. It will pass. It’s an insanely tough habit to break. The fact that you are putting together long streaks is commendable. The process of healing and channeling the sexual energy into other areas takes time. Just reset the counter and climb back on the horse so to speak. I’ve been doing it for over 5 years and I still have times that are very difficult.
    mxmn likes this.
  4. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    The sexual energy will continue to express itself through us as lust etc until it is transmuted. So, how to begin the work of transmutation?
    1) Breathing exercises
    2) Every time a lustful impulse arises switch your attention to your high ideal.
    3) Try to do a compassionate act each day. In other words, help others.

    Don’t expect instant results. This takes time. However the outcome of working over a long period of time is the building of persistence, patience, faith, and less selfishness within yourself.
    PRESS THE FIGHT likes this.
  5. Counting the days of being clean from PMO is certainly a significant aspect of the recovery journey, but it's important to realize that it's just a part of the whole process. The most crucial aspect is attaining enlightenment regarding this addiction. Acknowledging that we are addicted to something is always a better first step. It's astonishing to think that there are millions of people out there who are addicted to this without even recognizing that they have a problem.

    Recovery entails a complete transformation of various aspects of our lives. One of the fundamental changes is in our mindset about pornography and sex. It involves respecting women and refraining from objectifying them. Additionally, setting goals in life becomes imperative. Broadening our knowledge about this addiction is also essential. For instance, watching informative videos and, more importantly, reading books about PMO can be highly beneficial.

    There are numerous books available that I believe can be genuinely helpful in this journey, such as "Treating Pornography Addiction." Remember that the path to recovery is not a straight line. You will experience ups and downs along the way, but it's crucial not to give up. Whatever efforts you make to overcome addiction will have a compounding effect on your life. Always keep in mind that life without PMO is better, calmer, and happier. You will no longer be controlled or trapped by something else. That freedom is what we all strive for.

    Keep up the good work, and remember that you're not alone in this journey towards recovery. There are many supportive communities and resources available to assist you along the way. Stay strong, and never lose sight of your ultimate goal.
  6. fauxfun999

    fauxfun999 Fapstronaut

    First, do not be disgusted with yourself, you are on the road to recovery, and the fact that you are taking steps to eradicate porn from your life puts you far in front of the hundreds of millions of people who are addicted to porn and do not even realise it.

    Second, a relapse is not a complete failure, the same as stubbing your toe on a hike does not mean you need to go back to the beginning of the trail. After a relapse, just get up have a laugh at the stupid porn, and get on with your journey to porn freedom.

    Being young and still taking this course sets you far above many other people who have been porn addicts for decades.
    So be proud of your journey to freedom, realise that porn is poison not pleasure, and you will be fine.

    Well done brother !

    Cheers for now.
  7. TaiSar

    TaiSar New Fapstronaut

    I can't express how much I'm thankful for you guys. The sense of gratitude for your advices is just something far beyond, this is feels like my heart is filled with love of God.

    Your replies made me feel better. Thank you guys. I will demolish this shit.
    Icewarrior and PRESS THE FIGHT like this.
  8. TaiSar

    TaiSar New Fapstronaut

    Today i relapsed again, btw. Had a 4 day streak. Reading your answers instantly made me feel better. Love y'all...
  9. fauxfun999

    fauxfun999 Fapstronaut

    Excellent ! That is the way to achieve recovery. Never beat yourself up, realise that you are on a journey and that means many adventures on the way, some good, some bad, but all are interesting.
    Being human means having failures, but they are not negative, but actually learning experiences, and that is how we grow.
    Keep on going, be kind to yourself, and enjoy each day as a new experience.

    You are doing great, eventually you won't even miss this poison that is porn.

    Respect to you and cheers for now.
    PRESS THE FIGHT likes this.