I can beat this I need help though

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by crusoe323, May 14, 2015.

  1. crusoe323

    crusoe323 New Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,
    I'm 18 years old I started watching porn and masturbating in 8th grade. I was able to stop for almost 2 years from sophomore year to senior year when I had a girlfriend. After we broke up I relapsed and have been doing it for almost a year and a half now. I've tried to kick this addiction but can barely make it a week without P or M. I'm ready to be done with this addiction for good now. I need some guidance and a good AP. I think this addiction has made it difficult for me to form relationships and caused a lack of motivation. If anyone would like to be my AP I would really appreciate it.

  2. Open Parasol

    Open Parasol Fapstronaut

    Hello, and welcome! I'm so glad you found your way here.

    Please check out http://www.yourbrainonporn.com/ There may be a few things that you identify with, even things outside of what you listed above. Its an extremely helpful and informative site, and I really do highly recommend it.

    And with that out of the way, lemme say that I hear ya. I get what you're saying completely, friend. For me, I've been actively trying to kick the stuff for about 80 or so days now and it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I truly felt motivated and productive. So..it may or may not take a while (everyone's different!) But please don't let that deter you! Its so very worth whatever the wait. Same goes for relationship building/forming.

    When trying to break away from porn (heck, any addiction), willpower alone.."white knuckling"..Its not enough. That's why I really am so very happy that you've made it here. Support is so necessary in getting through this, and is much less scary than going it alone. Aside from support, keeping yourself active and engaged and focused on something you like works wonders. A hobby, a project, music, whatever it is that keeps your mind occupied and busy is great. I like to operate on the notion of "Idle hands are the Devil's plaything." (I speak personally, so if this approach isn't up your alley, please don't feel pressured into it). Cook, clean, go for a walk/jog, anything to clear your head when feeling overwhelmed helps too. Focusing on "trying not to think about it" is a disaster waiting to happen. And please, please, please know that if you slip it isn't the end of the world l. Please don't fall into the misery of it all, because that makes it harder to climb back up out of the pit. Slips can happen. Think of it as a literal "Road to Recovery." The road is icy, so we may slip and stumble along, but as time goes we eventually get better, and become skilled at watching our step.

    If you're ever slip and are feeling down, or confused, or need advice, or happy, or want to have a philosophical discussion about the spikes on a pineapple, or feel like saying anything along the entire spectrums of emotions and..really obscure topics..Then feel free to share. This place is for sharing. We're all happy to lend an ear.

    Lastly, here's a video I feel may help. I do hope you find it enjoyable here. Its wonderful to meet you, friend!

  3. crusoe323

    crusoe323 New Fapstronaut

    I took a look at the video and it had some really interesting points. I guess its good to know what I'm up against before I start this process. Thanks for the resources and the support.